Welcome to this shared journey!
The road to magic in 2 easy steps!
As an introduction to this simple technique, I will tell you a wise story, which I believe many have heard:
An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life:
“A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy.”It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.” He continued, “The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.”
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: “Which wolf will win?”
The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”
- For those who hear and see clearly, this story is enough to stop and think about which wolf they are feeding. However both wolves are an integral part of us and that is what makes us human beings. It is necessary to GIVE UP THE ETERNAL INNER STRUGGLE - we need to feed the white wolf and embrace (accept) the black wolf.
Feed the white wolf, hug the black wolf:
Feeding the white wolf means actively bringing the good stuff into our lives:
First and foremost taking care of our bodies. Sleeping a good night’s sleep. Eating good, nutritious, homemade food.
Exercising daily.
Getting out of the house for the sheer purpose of breathing fresh air and feeling it on our cheeks. And breathing it deeply. Inhale. Exhale.
It means surrounding ourselves with people who care about us and love us.
It means expressing gratitude for people in our life, for the simple joys and pleasures.
It means exercising our minds- reading good books, learning new things, and seeing new places.
It means accepting who we are and accepting that we are enough.
It means dreaming and making these dreams come true.
It means following our distinctive voice and sharing it.
It means helping others.
It means staying in the present, looking for beauty, light, and wonder in our lives. Actively looking, eyes, ears, and minds open.
Hugging the black wolf is not easy, for he is a tricky beast. He will be angry and will not want to be hugged, loved, and embraced. He will try to slip away. But we must try. Over and over again.
When we feel anger, envy, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, or inferiority rising- we acknowledge it.
Let it wash over.
Find the center of that feeling, find the reason. Stand still, let the black wolf jump. Then slowly embrace him. He will struggle and will tell you are an idiot and wriggle away. Do not give up. Respond with kindness. He will eventually cuddle in your lap and you can cry together. It will become easier to hug him as we go on about our life and complain less (or not at all).
When we stop comparing because comparison is the death of joy. When we don’t engage with people who bring us down. When we spread our arms to Life like a child, instead of closing ourselves off and building walls around ourselves.
Only then both wolfs can leave in peace in harmony. Fed and hugged.
A brief description and instructions:
Behold, I am right here and now share with all of you a very simple technique, which was born in me as a result of daily lighting of small parts of my personal big picture, my personal small and large daily moments of enlightenment, a technique consists in the following:
1. Decide deep inside you'll notice every day at least one of your magic moments of the day ( when I say " notice " I want to emphasize that the magic and divine constantly happening around us - life constantly flowing and over again is going on, all we need is - to see, feel, notice ), a moment that contains :
• a sense of deep compassion ( for yourself and others)
• a sense of gratitude ( inner smile )
• a sense of excitement, awe, and reverence for the Divine
• a feeling of love and self-love, life ( Divine ), and everything and everyone else
• a feeling of togetherness, unity, and belonging to the whole of the Divine
• the ability to achieve a balance between giving and receiving energy in all its forms
• ability to accept everything that happens to us and what we experience in our life's journey
• a sense of personal purpose, usefulness, essence - a sense of contribution
• a sense of inner freedom (to know who you are and be who you are entire) to live in the truth and truly a sense of inner peace, happiness, a sense of satisfaction, fulfillment ... completely ... whole ...
And you will briefly describe the moment in a notebook that will have just that purpose, you can draw, paint .... whatever you want, but the goal is everyday record at least one such moment, every day without fail and thus 365 times!
2. Start NOW !!! Write down on any piece of paper your current magical moment, and as soon as you buy a notebook, write down and keep going, when worn a notebook - buy a new one! After 365 day , if you still found pleasure and felt the need to continue doing so - you continue as long as you feel the need.
Next is up to you , and now it's up to you and will always be on your shoulders. But I can guarantee that if you did so every day without fail and do it 365 times you will be perfectly aware of what I wanted to say and share with you, and you'll definitely know ( experience at all levels of your being ) a state of being in the moment here and now, and all the benefits and blessings that are happening at the moment.
The technique, which consists of two steps, nothing more: Notice (feel) and note - that's all!
This technique and every word written here are food for the mind, but it is a "healthy food for the mind ." Writing down EVERY DAY your Magic Moment, your mind starts to a healthy diet, which inevitably leads to his healing and purity, the transformation occurs at all levels of your being.
Have a minimum of 365 personal highlights of the day! Start NOW!