Would you like to have a smooth life? Would you like to have Success, Prosperity, Joy and Abundance as your constant companions? Then do as little as possible. That statement may sound contradicting to your current beliefs. But that, my friend, is the key to solving all your issues. Read on to understand and maybe, by the end of the article, I am sure I would have influenced your opinion.
We are all over-ambitious people, and there's nothing wrong with that. The problem is that stress creeps into our life if we don't deliver what we think we should do, but time is always a scarce resource and we always have more agendas, activities and items on our TODO lists and schedules.
My Advice: Tell yourself that you are not a superhuman, so stop expecting wonders from yourself. Here's my prescription for a smooth and successful life: Manage your activities properly using this 11 step process.
Step 1. Make a Super list (L1) of all the activities that are on all the TODOs, Schedules, Calendars, in your head, in your Spouse's and Boss' Head - you need to do on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly basis.
Step 2. Make a subset (L2) of all those activities out of L1 which is not critical and not urgent.
Step 3. Review L2 on a monthly basis, to check if any of these has become critical or urgent enough to be put back in L1 or if they can be deleted forever.
Step 4. Out of the remaining activities, postpone all the activities which can be postponed without any adverse impact on any area of life, and these postponed activities can be added to L2.
Step 5. Out the remaining activities in L1, automate whatever can be done by software automation tools like Autoresponders, Chatbot etc.
Step 6. Delegate whatever can't be Postponed or Automated but can be done by somebody in your team or a family member who is competent enough to perform this task diligently.
Although the tasks have been delegated, your responsibilities are not. Therefore, maintain a close watch and provide support/training to the person who has been delegated the task.
Step 7. Outsource all the activities which can't be Postponed, Automated Or Delegated. Again as in Step 6, maintain a close watch and provide support/training to the person who has been outsourced to perform the task.
Step 8. Make a list only those activities which are Critical as well as Urgent for your Mission and Vision but can't be Postponed, Automated, Delegated or Outsourced. Now let's call this sorted list L3.
Step 9. Sort and Prioritize the activities on L3 according to the criticality, importance and urgency. Let's call this sorted list L4.
Step 10. Pick up the top 5 activities out of L4 and put them as events and Goals in the Google Calendar, set alarms, and actually perform these with full dedication and sincerity, as your whole life depends on it. Don't cut the corners. Totally focus on the task at hand without any distractions and that is bound to produce the desired results to make your life a fulfilling one.
Step 11. Don't forget to schedule at least two #MeTime activities e.g. Sports, Recreation, Meditation, Gym, or #JustChill in the Sun / Moon, with your significant other half or family.
If you follow all the 11 steps above, you are assuring yourself to have a #SmoothLife, have an #OrganisedLife and have a #ProsperousLife.
Best of luck in this new journey for a #BetterQualityofLife to #Amass a lot of #Happiness. Was I able to give you a different direction or perspective? Please write your feedback and your own views on the subject in the comments below. If you like this article, don't forget to share it with your friends.