Every day, life presents us with new doors. Whether it’s a fresh opportunity at work, a new relationship, a new friendship, or simply an invitation to try something new—these doors are constantly in front of us, beckoning us to step through. But how do we know which ones to open? How do we decide whether to walk through them or leave them closed? The answer, in large part, lies in our self-perception—the way we view ourselves and understand our core values.
Before we can make any decisions about the doors we want to walk through, we must first understand ourselves. If we know who we are, what we value, and what drives us, we’ll be much more capable of making choices that align with our true purpose. But how do we truly uncover this deeper self-awareness? And more importantly, how do we use that understanding to grow, evolve, and live a life that’s full of meaning?
The Power of Self-Discovery:
In my own journey of self-reflection, I came across a fascinating concept: Ikigai. This Japanese term translates to "a reason for being" and holds the key to understanding how we can live a life of fulfillment. According to Ikigai, the secret to happiness and a meaningful existence is found in the intersection of Passion and Purpose.
Ikigai comes from two Japanese words: Iki (life) and Gai (worth or reason). It’s a model that teaches us how to align our personal passions with a deeper, more significant purpose. The idea is that a truly fulfilling life is the combination of what we love, what we are good at, what the world needs, and what we can be paid for.
When these four elements align, we find our Ikigai—a reason to get out of bed each morning, driven by both passion and purpose. But how do we practically apply this powerful framework to our daily lives and decisions?
Live Your Ikigai:
1- Discover Your Passions: The first step in finding your Ikigai is to understand what truly excites you. What activities make you feel energized? What are the things that make you lose track of time? These are often the things that align with your passions.
Passions are the fuel that propels us forward, but they alone are not enough. To live with purpose, we need to make sure our passions align with the other elements of Ikigai.
Align with Your Purpose: Passion is powerful, but purpose is what gives passion direction. Purpose is about finding meaning in your actions. It’s about understanding that what you do has an impact beyond just yourself. It’s not just about doing what you love—it’s about why you do it and who benefits from it.
2- Connect with Your Strengths: Another crucial part of Ikigai is understanding what you’re good at. If you want to pursue your passion with purpose, you need to leverage your natural talents and skills. What are your strengths? What do others often compliment you on? What tasks come naturally to you? When your skills align with your passions and your purpose, the path to success becomes clearer and more achievable.
3- Find Opportunities to Be Rewarded: For a life to be sustainable, we also need to find ways to receive compensation for our work, whether that’s through financial reward, recognition, or personal satisfaction. In Ikigai, this part is often referred to as "what you can be paid for." This doesn’t mean just focusing on making money, but rather creating opportunities where your work is valued and appreciated.
So, how can you practically apply the principles of Ikigai to your daily life?
The answer is simple: embrace new doors. Every new opportunity—whether it’s a project at work, a new relationship, or a chance to learn something new—can be an expression of your Ikigai if it aligns with your passion, purpose, strengths, and what you can offer to the world.
However, it’s important to remember that not every door is the right one. As you grow and discover more about yourself, you will gain clarity about which opportunities will lead you toward greater fulfillment and which might not. Learning to trust yourself and your instincts, while also being open to exploring new things, is key to creating a life that feels rich with purpose.
Your Ikigai isn’t something you “find” once and for all; it’s something you create every day through the choices you make, the doors you walk through, and the person you become.
So, the next time you stand before a new door—whether it’s a new project, a new relationship, or a chance to expand your horizons—ask yourself: Is this an opportunity that aligns with my Ikigai? If so, step through that door with confidence, knowing that you are moving closer to living a life of true fulfillment. The doors are waiting for you. Are you ready to open them?