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Building a World-Class Network: From Immigrant Struggles to Global Success | Sam Kamani

Twenty years ago, he arrived in New Zealand as an immigrant with no friends, family, or connections. It was a challenging phase in his life as he struggled to find employment despite applying for more than 500 jobs. However, everything changed when he began building connections and a strong personal network.

In the past decade and a half, he has founded startups with two successful exits, raised millions of dollars, written an Amazon bestseller “The 30 Day Startup”, and hosted a podcast with listeners in over 75 countries and he is about to launch his latest venture - In this article, he will share his secrets to building a world-class network that can help you achieve professional and personal success. The 5 key principles he follows are: 1) help others, 2) focus on what's in it for them, 3) run a podcast to connect with industry leaders, 4) build a strong online presence and 5) attend events and conferences.

1. Help Others

The first and foremost step in building a strong network is to genuinely help others. Offer your time, knowledge, and resources to support those around you without expecting anything in return. People appreciate genuine assistance and will often reciprocate, leading to a network of strong, mutually beneficial relationships. Volunteer at events, participate in professional organizations and share your expertise in online forums. These activities can help you connect with like-minded individuals who may become valuable members of your network.

As you consistently provide value to others, your reputation will grow, and opportunities will come your way. To further expand your reach, consider joining or creating mentorship programs. By sharing your experience and knowledge with those who are just starting in your field, you can establish a reputation as a reliable expert and gain access to a broader community of professionals. As your mentees succeed and grow, they may become valuable connections and even refer others to you. This is something that I consistently do by guiding other startup founders.

2. Focus on What's in It for Them

When connecting with new people, it is essential to understand their needs, motivations, and goals. By identifying what matters most to them, you can tailor your interactions to provide value and make a lasting impression. When attending networking events or engaging in conversations, practice active listening and ask open-ended questions. By understanding their perspective and empathizing with their challenges, you can offer relevant solutions or connect them with someone who can help. This approach fosters trust, strengthens relationships, and paves the way for future collaborations. To make your interactions more memorable, consider following up with a thoughtful gesture, such as sending a relevant article or connecting your new acquaintance with someone who might be helpful to them. These small actions demonstrate your genuine interest in their success and reinforce the value you bring to the relationship.

3. Run a Podcast and Connect with Industry Leaders

His podcasting journey started in 2020 at the start of Covid. He still wanted to connect with people but lockdowns made it harder. So he started his first podcast where he interviewed VCs and Founders. Later on in 2021 he switched his focus to Web3 and he still run the “Web3 with Sam Kamani” podcast. His podcasts have allowed him to connect and build strong relationship with over 200 business leaders from around the world.

Hosting a podcast can be an effective way to connect with leaders and experts in your industry. By inviting guests to share their knowledge and experiences, you can create a platform for insightful conversations and mutual learning. Furthermore, podcasts provide an opportunity for guests to showcase their expertise, making it a win-win situation for both parties. To start a podcast, identify your niche and target audience.

Develop a unique angle or theme that sets your podcast apart and adds value to your listeners. Invite guests who can provide valuable insights and grow your network. As your podcast gains traction, your credibility will increase, and you will find it easier to connect with more influential figures in your field. He intend to run a podcast on an ongoing basis for the foreseeable future. He is about to launch his latest podcast “Disruptia” where he covers the latest in technological innovation and explain how it can disrupt the future. You can check it out here – at

4. Build a Strong Online Presence

In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for establishing and maintaining a world-class network. Your online presence serves as a virtual introduction to potential connections, so it's essential to make a good first impression. Start by optimizing your LinkedIn profile, ensuring that it accurately reflects your professional background, skills, and accomplishments. Include a professional-looking profile picture, a concise summary, and a comprehensive work history.

Regularly share relevant articles, news, and updates that showcase your expertise and engage with your network through comments and messages. Additionally, consider creating a personal website or blog to provide more in-depth information about your background, experience, and areas of expertise. A well-maintained blog can help establish your authority in your industry and attract the attention of potential connections and collaborators.

Participate in online forums, discussion boards, and social media groups related to your field. Engage with others by answering questions, providing insights, and sharing valuable content. This will not only help you gain visibility but also demonstrate your commitment to helping others, which is a key aspect of building a strong network.

5. Attend Events and Conferences

Attending industry events, conferences, and workshops is another effective way to expand your network. These gatherings are excellent opportunities to meet like-minded professionals, learn about the latest trends, and build connections with industry leaders. Prepare for these events by researching the attendees and speakers, identifying those with whom you would like to connect. During the event, engage in meaningful conversations and exchange contact information. Remember to follow up with the connections you made at the event, expressing your appreciation for their time and reinforcing the value of your relationship.

In conclusion: Building a world-class network is a continuous process that requires genuine effort, focus, and persistence. By helping others, understanding their needs, running a podcast or a blog, and building a strong online presence, and attending events, you can create a powerful network that can open doors to new opportunities and contribute to your overall success. Just as his journey took him from a struggling immigrant to a successful entrepreneur, following these principles can help you transform your life and achieve your goals.

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