Would you like to go through some very unique, adventurous as well as scary moments?
In one of the journeys I had to undertake as part of my professional speaking career, I experienced some of those moments and I would like to share them with you. Interested?
Four Years ago, in Aug 2015, I had to deliver my Keynote Speech in Kuttippuram, Kerala
I flew from Delhi to Bangalore and from there, I travelled with two of my friends on a personal vehicle. This is about a 480 KM journey, which normally takes 10-11 hours. Since we got lost on the way (the Google Maps App was not much in vogue during those days), we took about 13-14 hours to cover the whole journey, including the frequent breaks and the adventures we stopped our car for.
We started early in the morning from Bangalore. As we were closer to the destination, it was nighttime already. We were happily enjoying the journey because the road was passing through a forest with a wide variety of wildlife. We saw lots of beautiful deer, a huge bison (straight from the movie Bahubali), birds, monkeys and other animals.
During pitch night, we heard Elephants make a sound, known as a trumpet, (which signals excitement, aggression and distress). This trumpeting can be heard from up to six miles away. As we stopped the car to locate where the sound was coming from, we suddenly were terrified, as we noticed one of the elephants almost barging towards us.
Luckily, the friend who was on the steering wheel, suggested that we turn off the headlight, and don't move. As Mammoth came very close to our car - we got his mercy (perhaps he listened to my Keynote Speech which I was trying to cram), and our lives were spared. As he slowly moved away, my friend told me that these wild elephants can run faster than the car, and in case we had decided to drive away, the elephant could have followed us, toppled, kicked and crushed the car with all three of us still inside.
That night, I got another story for my keynote speech, I can also use it as a plot for a movie. If you have a connection in Bollywood or Hollywood, please let me know and we can become partners in the production. The movie's title can be "Friends, Mammoths and a Keynote". The moral of the story: Keep yourself in the business of Professional Speaking and encourage your friends as well to also join the tribe, who knows, when you are in danger, a speech can save your life.
Perfect Happy Ending to an adventurous story. Don't you think so?