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Connecting Women, Creating Opportunities | Brenda Belmares

Writer: Bespoke DiariesBespoke Diaries

We talk a lot about the business and entrepreneurial ecosystem, about how women have been breaking barriers, creating our path and fighting a patriarchal system that is so deeply rooted in our country. We talk about how increasingly, we are making each other visible and becoming leaders of multinational companies.

All this is wonderful, but to what do we owe these advances? How is it that we have managed to climb the ladder and occupy more and more relevant positions in decision-making?

I believe that everything comes from these new “rules of the game” that we have forged for ourselves as women, these new ways of living, sharing and growing, genuinely, together and with the intention that we all move forward, each one towards their desired goal, driven and hand in hand with others, and even, sometimes, hand in hand with allies who push us to give our best and show ourselves what we are capable of.

My experience developing and working hand in hand with very diverse groups of women shows me an encouraging panorama, in which, finally, we understand that collaboration and the combination of talents propel us much faster towards our objectives, in any of the the various areas in which we are.

By connecting with women, I see how we increasingly want to create spaces in which we enjoy collective intelligence. I notice how the diversity of ways of thinking and acting complement and enrich those of us who have allowed ourselves to listen to those who have profiles very different from ours. I see, day after day, how we create opportunities for each other, generating new synergies, and opening more spaces for dialogue and collective action.

How can you create spaces for connections between women?

a. Invite a small select group of friends to a snack where they can talk about common topics. Find ways to join each other.

b. When you are in a meeting with other women, tell your experiences and share your achievements. You never know when it might motivate someone to take action.

c. Create WhatsApp groups with other women you know and who you know have common themes. Share contacts, suppliers, interesting projects always arise.

d. Discuss with your coworkers about actions they could take to benefit the rest of the women in their workspace. Take action about it.

As a connector, I am proud to witness the many new adventures that allies, friends and acquaintances have embarked on. Let's continue generating spaces for growth and sisterhood, because as my dear friend and mentor, Dr. Lumi Velázquez, said,

“Where one grows, we all grow.”


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