First Approach:
“Obey the Universal Laws.”
It is divided into four important steps mentioned below.
Law of Self-Belief: The state of mind for 24 hours can be positive or negative. It can't be the same at the same time. It is either positive or negative. You craft your future in the right direction if your state of mind is joy, happiness, satisfaction, calm, and growth mindset. You can destroy if your state of mind is angry, jealous, unsatisfaction, greedy, and fixed mindset.
Law of attraction: You attract the way your self-belief is. That situation, person, job, client, business opportunity, money, friend, accident, failure, and whatever happens in your life is just because of your 24-hour state of mind in self-belief.
Law of Correspondence: You will reap what you sow. It reflects your inner world. The human mind is a superpower the question you ask, is the answer you get. You become what you think most of the time.
Law of Giving or Contribution: You will always get in the multifold if you believe in giving selflessness. It is the power of giving. You might be right @AmitDubey, but what can I give? A question inquired by many students or people or professionals. Relax, I am not insisting you share your money. Can you share a good thought, appreciate someone for their career or start-up, best wishes, or your most precious currency is time? If the answer is yes, believe me, it will come back in immense form.
Let’s discuss the summary of the first approach.
Law of Self-Belief
Law of Attraction
Law of Correspondence
Law of giving or contribution.
Now, the most important steps for you Call to Action: CTA
Do self-analysis using the SWOT analysis tool.
Think on paper pen down all the negative beliefs on blank paper and tear it.
Use the two-minute rule: If you face difficulty starting a new task use two mint rules to kick start your task.
Belief in giving and contribution.
Second Approach:
“Decide & believe what exactly you want.”
It begins with one conversation between Amit Dubey and them.
Amit Dubey: Hey, By the way, what do you want from your life, or what is your purpose? They: Hmm, I want to earn a lot of money. I want to expand my business to another city or state. I want a job in a company. I want to do this or that and many more. Amit Dubey: Just relax, take a deep breath, and let magnify your purpose first. Get clarity on what you want to do. Decide what exactly you want. Decide that I earn 10000 INR/ USD extra this month. I will expand my business to 3 cities (specify the name) within one year. I will apply for a job in these three companies (specify the name) within in next six months. Fair enough, Now I am sharing the seven-step process that will help you meet what exactly you want or magnify your goal.
And this is your Call to action as well: CTA.
1. Clarity is essential:
Decide what you exactly want to be. Be specific and clear in your mind first.
2. Write it Down:
One of the very effective ways to color xerox your goal in your conscious and subconscious mind and get a result 10X.
3. Set a Deadline:
Your mind is a superpower, It works as you want. Your mind is more focused on driving a car at 120 km/hour instead of 50 km/hour. It is called a sense of urgency.
4. Make a list:
Bring your notebook and pen and write down everything you want to do in the next six months.
5. Organize the list:
One thing at a time. Distinguish it into an urgent-important matrix (UIM) and prioritize your task. Urgent and important: Do it now. Urgent and Not important: Delegate it. Not Urgent but Important: Schedule it. Neither urgent nor Important: Eliminate it.
6. Take action on your plan: Action speaks loudly more than words so, it is essential, to do something or anything but do it now. Use two mints rules. When you procrastinate on a task do that task only for 2 minutes and feel the magic. It works.
7. Prioritize your next 24 hours only: Hyper-focus must be on for the next 24 hours only. It includes Sleep, healthy eating, exercise, meditation, and family time.
Third Approach:
“Develop the habits of courage, self-discipline, and self-confidence”
First, understand the concept of Habit.
According to Google, " Something that you do often and almost without thinking, especially that is hard to stop doing or usual behavior. Now, Let's understand the cycle of habits. We use our five senses, sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch. These senses generate thoughts in our minds. Thought creates a feeling through sensation in our body that ignites action. Repeated action becomes a mental tendency. A tendency develops the behaviour, and repeated behaviour becomes Habits. There is three foundation pillar which mandatory for continued improvement.
I named it C-S-S
1st Courage or calculated risk: It is a mental block or procrastination and one of the biggest challenges. To take the jump in your career you leave your comfort zoon first. Take calculated risks in life and move on.
2nd Self-Discipline: The Habit of being Self-Disciple is the pivot for exponential growth in a career. If you want to add newer customers, be self-disciplined in customer calls. If you want good health, be self-disciplined in healthy eating and consistent in exercise. It all depends on what you want to be in your career. This is the most common among the topmost leader who leads any industry or position. I mention the name you can relate to it as Virat Kohli, Ritesh Agarwal, MBA Chai Wala _ Praffal Billore, Ranveer Allahbadia, Ankur warikoo, and many more.
3rd Self-Confidence: The way you feel, show, and express yourself. Your confidence will help you to crack the hard nuts. It is based on your inner peace only that comes from the inner to outer direction.
Let’s discuss the Call to Action: CTA.
1. Act as if that fear in your mind doesn't exist.
2. Talk to the most intelligent people once a day, that is you.
3. Auto-suggestion and affirmation are helpful tools.