The biggest battle you will ever fight is the one you will fight with yourself in your own head. Just notice the people around you mostly everyone is smiling or at least no one is crying. But you know the same person is broken up from the inside and every day at night cries to sleep and has suicidal thoughts in his mind. A person has a different world within himself. He and only he knows what is going on in that world.
Depression is not a one-day emotion. Think of depression as a pot. When we were kids that pot was empty but as we started growing up there came challenges, success, failure, competition, relationships and many more things. Life became complicated as we started growing up and that pot started filling up.

You didn't score well in your exams, you broke up with your partner, you didn’t win a competition, you didn't stand up to the expectations of your near and dear ones, you couldn’t get the lead role in a play, you got scolding from your boss, the financial crisis hit you up, you were rejected by the world, your peers made fun of you because of your physical appearance and many more such things happened in your life. So then what was the outcome of this?
Now think of a pot every day put drops of water in it and one day that pot becomes full because you forgot to drain the old standing water from it and one day that pot became so heavy that it broke up and it was no more.
The same thing happens with us failures, fears, rejection, anxiousness, pain, tension, stress and all other negative emotions that keep on accumulating in the pot called depression. One day that pot becomes so heavy that it breaks up and we take the step of committing suicide.

Now what can we do to prevent the pot from filling up? That pot will never become empty but we can do something to not let it get filled up to the brim. We have another pot named the happiness pot we should always try to make it full up to the brim.
You got fewer marks in your previous exam but got good marks in your next exam just drain the pain of getting fewer marks from the depression pot and put the pride of getting good marks in the happiness pot. Similarly do efforts to turn all your negative emotions into positive ones. Keep on draining the depression pot and filling up the happiness pot.
Never ever judge someone as often people with the biggest smile and loudest laughter are fighting the hardest battle. Be generous and kind to each one around you because you should always be the reason for filling someone’s happiness pot and not the depression pot. To the ones who committed suicide, you were brave enough to end your life and you are at peace now but the world miss you!