Dr. Raina Khatri Tandon is an International acclaimed speaker Mentor who has been on various conferences and summits representing India on Gender Equality, Women, and child Rights & Inclusiveness.
She holds double degree in IT and Law. She is the founder of “Right2rise®” (India s 1st ISO 17024 n 21001 accredited organization) & “RKT Foundation”, which is catering to Training, certifications, compliance, and auditing of various organizations and institutionalise core values of justice equality, safety, and ethical values at workplaces.
She is an Alumni of EDX Harvard, USA in Women right & Child psychology under Human Rights. She has been felicitated as Thrive Global 100 Mentors, Mentor at Cherie Blair Foundation, World Hrd Congress- Women in Leadership 2018 Awards & 101Most Fabulous GlobalTraining and development leaders Award2019 as the and also the UN REX Karmveer Global Fellowship Awardee 2019-2020.
Raina has represented India at World Women Summit, 2020 and is also a Global ambassador for sustainable SDG5 UN goals for gender equality, inclusiveness & UN chartered Human Rights. She has been Working as an external ICC member on advisory for almost over 500 organisations.
As a young child I always cherish 2 important learning of my life “Never stop learning and evolving” and always go for giving your 100 percent to what you do, start small but be persistent-Never give up which are the words of my parents always ringing in my mind.
A meek reverent girl, from a North Indian joint family ,born and brought up at Chennai (South India) people keep asking me how come that combination. But one thing despite that was I was blessed to be holding with high values, ethics instilled who my parents have always been open minded to educate me(girl child) to the highest degree of a Masters in VLSI System design from University of Westminster, U.K which I was conferred a scholarship based on my scores.
Little did I know that after pursuing my masters I would meet a friend, Anisha who would ask me, casually to seek learning a Counselling certification, from London and supporting society in UK leading ahead to do my Research in VLSI tech from Edinburg which would be a turning point on having a vision to support child fraternity in India and transform from designing chips to designing lives.
I returned to India and was determined to pursue further pathways on leading my passion of being a thought leader, a visionary, and fulfil the dream to touch lives and create massive change as an “enabler” through training and coaching. I knew there is no look back from my goals and hence, I decided to deep dive into academics, certifications, courses and developing my knowledge and skills as I thought it would help me grow my mindset, broaden my horizon, and make me an achiever.
And yes, I was finally a guiding a lot of societies , NGOs , organisations, and institutions soon into design safe conducive workplaces by creating strategies which are implementable avoid violence, abuse and creating realistic solutions. What stuck with me most is living an ethical life to leave a legacy behind for a safer future to our children & respectable place for all gender all life unleashing the maximum potential in
all of us.
Diversity and Inclusion through A Strong Woman :DR. Raina Khatri Tandon, CEO Right2rise ® :
Women have always been a role model and an epitome of upliftment. At Right2rise, Dr. Raina khatri Tandon enforce Justice discipline integrity and core values in ecosystem. As a strong believer in women and child rights I completely work towards safety towards abuse harassment, body
shamming and online sexual assault. As we are sailing through pandemic, we have seen many changes and how Our Indian Women have
exhibited massive discipline and their integral values in sports like cricket , hockey team and Weight lighting and many more. My belief for all those beautiful well-placed women out there :
“Don’t try to get into that Cinderella glass slipper but try to Shatter Glass ceiling of hierarchy and patriarchy as you are meant to splash your magic wand to success”
With many years of experience, 24years from IT- HR - Law now and 2PHD I have developed a proper framework for both inclusive education inro POSH & POSCO , WOMEN RIGHTS & other genders in corporate organisations , institutions &NGOS. Since I wished to make these more and impact have also been selected by NSCREL AND INDIA SME FORUM for top 200 entrepreneurs with innovative start-up idea in pandemic and post, I started my own organization in Right2rise 2018 and till date its 23000 lives touched and counting/
“There is only one YOU, understand you and YOUR UNIQUINESS”
- Raina Khatri
Chak de India in all areas of work and personal relationships you carry.
I carry 3 key principles as a strong woman: follow 3 power steps:
1. Our actions
2. Our Accountability
3. Alignment
My message to all: Be the next generation Turnkey of Innovations – Never give up on an IDEA , be open to suggestions and don’t ever stop by any failures or beliefs which test your Courage GO GET IT !