Progress & Development Are Always Born After You Get Out of Your Comfort Zone
Imagine yourself waking up every day drinking same coffee type, going to your routine work which you spent 10 years ago working in, returning back home eating traditional meal, and watching your favorite series before you sleep. Sounds cozy, but did you notice any progress if you kept this lifestyle for a while?
This is what it is called a Comfort Zone!
Comfort zone is a situation in which you feel comfortable and in which your ability and determination are not being tested. People’s perceptions about it is not the same. Some consider their comfort zone their bedrooms, while others staying in a job for years, or meeting your two best friends each outing, or it can be your favorite restaurant!
Basically it’s the feeling of being “HOME”
Different situations, yet the common thing is we feel safe and familiar. People like to stay in their private bubbles because they’re trying to avoid uncertainty situations, anxiety, or stress.
That’s why it takes courage to get out of our routine circle, because each step you go far from your comfort zone leads to personal growth, learning, and success!
The best way to gradually step out your comfort zone is to do something uncomfortable every day. Many people think our brain is an enigma. They cannot realize how intelligence our brains work. And when it comes to the word intelligence they suppose people are born either super smart, average or dumb.
Researches showed that our brain is like a muscle the more you use and train it the more it gets stronger. Basically brains get stronger when we learn. But how can we learn while sitting in our own bubble? Train your mind to try new things on a daily basis, face your fear, test your capabilities, question yourself.
Expanding beyond your comfort zone will builds a mental strength and strengthen your resilience muscles. It will always put you in a ready state of mind to face unexpected situations and overcome challenges easier.
Fresh experiences vary according to your life direction and your ultimate goals. It can be learning something new, doing one thing you’ve always wanted to, visit new places, take on a fitness challenge, or it can be going back home from a new direction.
Chunk these new challenges to make every day something unfamiliar. Like reading a page per day in a new book, enrolling for a hip hop class, plan to visit a new place during this week, eat something healthy you wanted to, having a walk from a new route.
New things always require bravery to standout in unknown situations, yet make sure each new opportunity will add value to your personal growth or career path.
Dress the courageous hat every day for some changes, and notice major impact!
Another method that can help you do new things is a Growth CV! It is a resume to document each challenge and new experience your got in and how they added value and stretch your growth. This CV to be reviewed by only you for the purpose of reminding and motivating you for how far you went beyond your comfort zone and what benefits you gained that contributed in your personal/career growth.
It can be in a form of regular resume, documenting the date, challenge/experience name, and lessons learned from it. You can write whatever you feel at this moment. Each progress and achievement counts! Make sure each letter you are inserting will back you up and inspire your later.
Reviewing this CV will encourage you specially in hard times and will inspire you to get out of you bubble because while reading your growth CV you will admit that getting out of your comfort zone is leading you to more success, development, & self –confidence.
Each one of us needs to become what he or she is capable of, but how can you figure out this while you are staying in your comfort zone.
Eventually, it sounds good to have a comfort zone, but use it to rest in not to live in!