According to recent studies, a large population of executives are stressed about their job Security, Increments, Promotions, Targets and office Politics.
As we are courageously fighting the evil and invisible corporate disease of Stress, the whole world has witnessed yet another onslaught on humanity in the form of Corona pandemic. All most all of us have got affected directly or indirectly. There is a huge level of stress in the ecosystem.
To beat their stress, I teach executives and corporate leaders: "How to Laugh, for no reason. How to Sing, Dance and be Happy for no Reason."
Why do I prescribe laugher as an antidote to Stress?
The idea is very simple, when we laugh, our bodies generate positive hormones (chemicals and positive neurotransmitters) that stimulate our respiratory system, our brains, our immune system and our nervous systems. As a result, our mood becomes jovial. And we respond to others in the light of that positive energy that is generated by us. We take the things into our stride. Like Corona Virus, the laughter, happiness and positivity are highly contagious. So not only we get the benefits associated with laughter, we spread these goodies into our environment and thus we become the ambassadors of happiness at work.
In fact, when we laugh, our blood flow increases by about 50%. That's how we get the rosy cheeks and laughing can actually burn calories. If you were to laugh for about 15 minutes a day, every day of the year, you could lose up to five kg in a year.
My Story
I started laughing when I was 10 years old when my Dad took me to a park where a large circle of people were doing Exercises, Yoga and Laughter. Since then I have become the self-proclaimed Happiness Coach. Later I was in the global IT space. Left my Corporate Career at the peak as CTO of a large oil major. And jumped on to become an Entrepreneur and followed by being a Business Mentor and Coach.
What's my MOJO?
My mojo is laughter, dance, singing, being playful (like a child), exercising, eating healthy food and everything else that gives everyone around some quick dose of Happiness.
How do I spread the message of Laughter?
I now teach, train, coach, mentor entrepreneurs and corporate executives on Leadership Skills, Sales Skills, Laughter Skills, Happiness Skills using my signature RISE and SHINE model.
RISE (Result Inspired Speech for Enterprises) involves 360-degree research and root cause analysis. The speaking project targets to resolve the real issues over the contractual time frame using Happiness, Laughter, Empathy, Re-framing context, Co-create solutions, Action plans, Goals, Follow up, tracking Progress and Fine Tuning.
In the SHINE (Self Happiness Inspired by Never ending Energy) Model, I deliver a series of Thought-Provoking interactive Sessions, Inspiring talks, Transformation oriented Keynotes, Coaching Programs for Executives/Managers aimed at Productivity Growth, Business Growth and Leadership Development involving Laughter, Smiles & Happiness.
The results and outcomes of these interventions are so encouraging that you will not just believe - you are going to invite me for a laughter workshop for your team or the entire business unit.
If you have Big Dreams, just laugh - because the environment created by laughter is so positive that the people around you will support you in any good intentions that you have for yourself, your family, your career, your community and for your country. This way, your dreams will have more stakeholders and therefore chances of turning those dreams into a reality increase tremendously.
How to take the idea forward?
I have created a Facebook group called the Happiness Institute and a Facebook page called Happiness Hub. You are welcome to take the benefits of laughing with me every day by joining the group and liking the FB page. You are also encouraged to forward this article to your friends, business contacts and family so that they take the same benefits from laughing as I got.