I have finally committed to finishing my book "Passion and Vision, The ingredients for a successful startup". Not only that, but I have also just joined another startup, so I am almost re-starting the journey I started 12 years ago, from start, from zero and I can already feel the buzz, excitement, and joy.
Therefore I find it timely to write the book and also share the importance of enjoying the journey and your mission, and not misunderstanding this with the outcome, rewards, and so on.
I believe in messages and the proof comes from the daily blogs and news I read and today' I have just read the interview with Denzil Washington in the Financial Times
This is the best example I can give you for why you need to enjoy this journey and your mission should not be earning money rather than concentrating on just making this world a better place, no matter how big or small, you will see that your rewards come from the number of lives that you touch.
In his words “I have learned that happiness doesn’t come from the awards. I have received every possible award I can be given.” He claims that his mission is more of a God-given one in which he is to utilize his talents to the best of his ability and take advantage of every opportunity to share with others what he knows and has experienced, the good and the bad. He adds “My strength doesn’t come from the accolades I get, I see myself as a man who’s trying to help, part of the solution and not part of the problem … to hopefully make this a better world, even in small ways.” He closes with a quote from his mother “Man gets the award from, God gives the rewards.”
I am not religious and irrelevant of your religious belief I think it is an amazing example of how you need to align yourself with this worldly cause and vision if you want to enjoy this journey. To look for becoming part of the solution and not worry about the outcome, just do your best no matter how little to make our planet a better world to live in. The awards will not be what will give you joy and happiness, you will receive your joy and reward by how you touch other people’s lives.
Are you ready to start this journey?
Let me know if I can help.