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Everything happens for a reason and it happens for a good reason | Mahesh Kumar

Writer: Bespoke DiariesBespoke Diaries

Mahesh Kumar, I came from a Lower Middle-class family. I did my UG and worked in Startup previously.

On 17th May 2014, I met an Accident and lost both Legs.

For a 23-year-old guy who led a normal life, Suddenly everything changed in his Life. That's a life-changing tragedy. But I stayed strong and want to put my life a better way. The only thing I felt bad that was expecting others' help in Each and every need. I was more dependent at that time. Eventually, it will be a lifelong habit in my life.

Then I felt that I don't have this kind of life and I should lead my life independently. After my recovery, I came to Bangalore to fit my Artifical Limbs, which Mobility India supported. Initially, my few friends and family members supported me a lot to stand back on my foot. Gradually I learned to survive in this world. Even though I want to do something in my life, especially in sports.

Before I used to play football in my School and College teams. But now I can't. what I should do now. That's the First time, WBFI organized a Wheelchair Basketball camp in Bangalore on Nov 2014. After 6 months, I participated in the camp and I was selected for Karnataka Team after my accident. In Dec 2014, I played my First National Games and Won a bronze medal in Chennai, Tamilnadu.

At that time, a Wheelchair Basketball game was new to us. There were many coaches who know about basketball, but not Wheelchair basketball. So I started learning the Games myself and whatever I know, I used to train the Differently abled people who were interested to play.

I used to train the Players every day early morning around 5 to 7 AM before the general people starts in BTM Playground, Bangalore. I played as Men's Team Captian for Karnataka in 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018. I have been called for Indian Team Camp 3 Times in 2016 and 2017. The first 2 times, I was kept as the Reserved player for Indian Team.

Finally In 2018, After all my hard work and practice, I got selected for Indian Team and participated in an international tournament in Lebanon. As an Indian Team, We won the Bronze Medal in the tournament. Later I started as Karnataka Women's Team Coach in 2017, 2018, and 2019. We won 2 National bronze medals. But I still play as a Player in Mens Team.

Because of Covid, in between not many tournaments. but we used to train new people not only as the sport of Wheelchair Basketball but as a Life changing path. Wheelchair Basketball is one of the best sports to keep the Physically and Mentally better.

Personally, I am married and the Father of one child. I work as Lead Engineer at Brillio Technologies. Taking care of my Family and Happily Living Person.

I lead my life by the statement,

"Everything Happens for a Reason and It happens for a Good Reason".

Just accept your sorrows and keep moving on, Everything will be fine one day.


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