Are worries overburdening you
Is Stress Increasing
Is Fear almost strangulating your energy
do you know why?
It's not because you're a coward or
a scared person,
It is because of a 'Lack of Action in the right direction,
those things were just some challenges
in the first place ...when you didn't act on it
it slowly becomes bigger problems
generating a lot of fear of 'what will happen if?
Don't beat yourself up, that isn't helping you, is it?
Think about this.
It isn't that you don't take action, it isn't that you aren't focused,
what If I say that you are really focused & action-oriented too,
the only challenge is your over committed to your problem
you're so consistent in focusing on your problem
that while you sleep your thinking about it
when you rise up in the morning
you are choosing to pick it up & think about it again
and 'your fuelling in fear 'by consistently
thinking about it.
The Result 'Fear energy grows' & makes you feel stressed & hopeless too.
Now when you know that you're capable of focusing on something,
you're capable of taking actions consistently.
why not 'just focus on taking positive actions to handle
your challenges one day at a time, one action at a time,
the higher the actions in the right direction, the higher the results, the lesser the fear!