3rd May 2007, I took all my joining documents and reported to Calicut's office.
Earlier Centurion Bank of Punjab (now HDFC Bank).
In my first job, I was unaware of Malayalam Language and the job was of sales. There were a lot of questions in the mind just like new joiners or fresher employees.
On reporting, My first boss called an employee named Krishnamani and asked me to go on a sales visit with him.
Make 4 sales calls throughout the day.
I was not expecting such a welcome, something else was going on in my mind about my joining.
I was feeling that my boss would understand or explain it to me and we would start work. (This is because I joined as Management Trainee and my selection was done through campus placement. Frankly, I was feeling that I will great Good Welcome)
I think, My Boss was busy, I got clue from his behavior.
With all due respect for my leaders, the strategy was not wrong, only the timing was.
In the Sales Driven Organization (big or small organizations), it is less frequent that business owners, leaders, and managers pay special attention during joining.
The new joiners, initially expect a lot from their boss / their company (irrespective of the size of the company & type of employees)
Some Key learning for business owners and leaders, if you are adding a new person to your team.
1. One day the fresher employee will definitely become an experienced one but first of all he wants an understanding and connection. (First Connect >> Then Create)
2. Out of all the employees, the fresher is an employee for you, but for the fresher, you are everything because he has never worked in a professional environment with the boss/manager or the leaders before that. Read carefully >> You are making your own image/perception.
3. The biggest mistake that maximum leaders make when they are making their team big is to behave according to their present conditions. Are you making future leaders or want to work with just one employee? Future leaders will help you and your business to take it to the next level.
4. Leaders. If you are busy / in pressure / or are busy in some work, do communicate. Do not download pressure >> Share Pressure (how you are feeling)
5. The most important thing is to drive the fresher in a different way, it will give you more results.
I believe everyone teaches you something. Many of my mentors and leaders have contributed to the growth of my professional career.