As the uncertainty grows with the economic crisis created by the COVID 19 virus, many people worry about the security of their job and businesses. I would like to share some useful tips and strategies that can help us manage the sudden changes in our life and cope with the current crisis.
The world is almost in a complete shutdown due to the after maths of the COVID 19 virus spread. Redundancy, job loss, bankruptcy, downsizing and budget constraints are words that can cause even the most confident and experienced person to feel inadequate.
Just the mention of these words can send your body and emotions into a downward spiral as your brain goes into survival mode. When in survival mode you are not always able to come up with viable solutions for your situation. You react rather than act with clarity.
Your energy gets lower and as your energy gets lower and lower it becomes harder and harder to cope with your responsibilities even the basic ones and your body will soon start to feel the effects of adrenal burnout you experience overriding emotions of disbelief, anger, fear, unfairness, disloyalty and inadequacy.
Your body which goes into shock is often unable to function well. The ongoing and continual shock causes build-up of stress reactions that can eventually lead to serious health complications. But remember it is not all lost!! There are stress management techniques and resilience tools that can help the body cope, function and subsequently enable you to find the strength, confidence and clarity that is required to live with your changing circumstances. You can also sough help from others.
Just know that whatever support you get from others, ultimately it is up to you to find peace in the midst of the crisis and change occurring and the clarity to find a solution to the challenges you face. Based on my personnel experience, the following strategies can help you cope and manage the changes you are currently going through:
1- Be mindful:
There specific things and experiences that make you feel better. Be mindful about what they are and use them for times you are feeling down. It can be meditation, prayer, exercise, listening to uplifting music, writing, phoning a friend or a family member, cooking or sharing a meal with a love one.
2- Connect with positive people:
By connecting with other people who are encouraging and empowering, your energy level will increase and you will become more open to opportunities. This will enable you to regain your positive core belief and instil confidence in your abilities again.
3- Be positive and ban negativity:
Write down the negative words that are overcrowding your mind and find positive words to replace them and use these new words consistently. This will uplift you and encourage you to look for better options.
4- Smile often and happily:
Smiling activates the happy hormones that help to uplift and inspire. Smiling makes you feel better and is easily shared with others. It gives your body a break from stress.
5- Breathe deeply and mindfully:
The initial response to stress overload is to use shallow rapid short breaths. Take time daily to breathe deeply and evenly. As you are breathing, slow deep breaths give your mind a positive image to focus on.
I hope implementing these strategies will help you. In any case, if you are feeling totally overpowered and emotionally unable to cope with the challenge at hand, talk to someone or seek professional help. Don't let life happen to you!!