His life journey in 2 parts:
Life 1.0
He is the youngest family member among 2 sisters and a brother. After graduating with organic chemistry in 1972, he joined a family business producing colours for applications for dyeing on textile, leather, paper, etc. He worked as a key administrator for 13 years till 1985 and entered into the Export business of colours and has seen the world, as an astute marketeer. He has travelled across 37+ countries, accounted for 200+ overseas trips alone from 1986 to 1996.
Life 2.0
"Seeing him speaking with distinct voice is Believing and Inspiring. Be it counselling or virtual or Live Talk shows giving most sought “HOPE” to countless people globally".
Till the first half of 1997, he was speaking normally like a common man and his voice started changing from normal to hoarseness to whispering. The clinical examination was done twice but nothing remarkable was diagnosed.
Gradually, started losing his weight with acute breathlessness and was unable to lay flat on the bed and had to sleep in a slanting posture.
During mid-August of 1997, at age of 44, he started bleeding in a cough which was an alarming condition and visited physician. Later he was suspected something most unusual wherein he was advised him to a specialist - Head and Neck Cancer Surgeon, Dr. Kaustubh Patel, during the preliminary examination itself, he suspected cancer of the vocal cord and explained necessary outcomes, doctor further advised for laryngoscopy on an urgent basis.
The next day, laryngoscopy was done and identified a tumour over the vocal cord, blocking the opening of the trachea. The surgeon performed a tracheotomy in the first place and a biopsy was performed for for pathological analysis.
A biopsy report - stating stage T4aNOMO, IV A with massive wide-field total laryngectomy were performed along with partial removal of thyroid gland with 56 nodes which lasted nearly 9 hours of surgery. A week later, Shrenik was discharged with rice pipe and followed treatment of one week of recovery with 30 rounds of radiotherapy as advised by the doctor. As the first step, he bravely accepted the diagnosis and result - a resounding victory over advanced-stage cancer.
The moulding technology of the mask was not as advance as present as it was made from ABS plastic which completed with 5 days a week schedule. The skin around the neck and throat burnt out completely but slowly recovered to normal colour.
He started Life 2.0 to normalcy by using pen and paper in place of loss of natural voice till December 1997 when he started practicing speaking with electrolarynx. In those times (1997) services of SLP/SLT was not available and had to learn on his own - to speak with this new device. It took about a week to locate a sweet spot under his chin from where audible sound getting generated, while speaking in public with his differently enabled voice most surprising incidents occurred, people were running away from me as they were scared of the sound.
He was the only earning member of the family as export marketing was his key function. He had to accept this mid-life crisis and accept the challenge of rejection of his voice by people. Shrenik continued speaking with his newly developed voice with full courage, confidence and without any fear.
Needless to mention, there was unparallel support from his wife - Nilam (42), sons, Maulik (21) and Ankit (19) for 24 by 7 support and also from his cancer surgeon too.
For 1st five years after surgery, Shrenik stayed away from closed public places like theatres, auditoriums, restaurants to avoid passive smoking. Subsequently regular follow-ups were maintained with personal surgeon for the cure. He started his international business travel all alone, meeting customers, speaking with them over the phone and continued managing his business the same as before.
It was, "Will Win" approach coupled with a dedicated team of doctors who left no stone unturned to aid his fight against the disease.
The key advantage, of his differently enabled voice is the moment, he started speaking over the phone and later does not require to announce his name, which became his unique identity and asset for a lifetime.
Another 10 years passed by, he started counselling cancer patients in private hospitals 3 days a week to inspire and fight for the life. Slowly there was mouth publicity from the people around the vicinity amongst patients, caregivers which followed through various social media platforms.
He is humbled to mention, he has counselled 30000+ patients to date consist of known and unknown faces globally.
During one of the book launch events, he was all of sudden invited to address a huge audience (500+) in the auditorium especially medical professionals and super specialists. Since then, he is having the privilege to add momentum to his in-person and online talk shows.
It’s his relentless pursuit to touch Millions of hearts through his motivational talk - for People from all walks of life. Post Cancer, he has learned so much from the university of experience and living! Specifically, acceptance, courage, confidence, troubleshooting where he learned to live in the moment.
He expresses deep gratitude to one and all who were, are and will be part of his Cancer journey. He admits, caregivers are the backbone - without them, the journey is incomplete. He is grateful to God for giving him a bonus life 2.0. He spends every moment of life without any regret and without seeking any sympathy.
His journey was featured in 1st chapter under the heading of, "I AM HERE TO STAY" in the coffee table book, 10/10 Immersive narratives of 10 Cancer Winners by Ahmedabad Cancer Foundation in July 2016.
He is well connected with National and International Oncologists, President of IFHNOS, USA & FHNOS, India, President of UICC, Geneva, President of Asian Society of Head and Neck Oncology. Shrenik inspired and motivated more than 30k Cancer patients and caregivers across many Cancer support groups and privileged to guide them.
He has given numerous professional live presentations in India and abroad, he has represented as a global patient leader and motivational speaker emphasising QOL after cancer. He has delivered extensive live talk shows:
First time in the history since 1962 he was invited by Gujarat Cancer & Research Institute, Ahmedabad, India's premier cancer hospital as a cancer survivor for the talk show.
B J Medical College, Ahmedabad & his cancer-winning journey was featured TWICE in their BJITES' Sensoria journal.
Anchored Cancer Awareness session through live telecast at BISAG, Gandhinagar, by invitation on behalf of State Government, touched 2.5 million people at the grass-root level.
Given Kick start presentation as first & only Indian invited IAL, the USA Virtual annual conference for 2500 global attendees during June 2020.
Invited repeatedly to talk in international conferences in Brighton 2019 and Nottingham 2018.
Inspired 10000+ student across medical colleges, Commerce & management students, interns, lecturers & countless professionals globally
Built commendable image within oncology circuit globally, huge social media presence across all popular key platforms & his journey featured by many institutions internationally.
Did 100+ live & virtual talk shows during pandemic and three video recordings with six back-to-back live interviews with one of the TV news channel for World Cancer Day 4th February 2021.
He has received grand appreciations from Union of International Cancer Control, Geneva.
In October 2020, he conceptualized and launched Facebook 1:1 exclusive interview and talk shows e-health series, by inviting distinguished medical professionals to bridge the gap between Patients and Doctors for early diagnosis, timely treatments by saving precious lives.
Held one-on-one interview with Dr. Anil D’cruz, UICC President Geneva.
Anchoring the world’s 1st e-health series as vocal cord cancer survivor through Facebook live 1:1talk shows - completed 18 episodes with 30k+ views for knowledge sharing
Shrenik has a special message to the readers,
“I am making delectable coffee for 35 years. Come to my home for Free coffee blended with inspiration"
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