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From Despair to Hope Story of Rescuing Suicidal Souls | Ms. Suchi

Writer: Bespoke DiariesBespoke Diaries

MS. SUCHI was in the midst of a conference. Her phone rings, and Mr. B is calling. He is calling frantically. Messages from the person ~ "If you don't pick up my call now, you will not see me live.I am not enough, I am leaving now". MS. SUCHI calls back and calms the person on the other side of the phone and that person decides not to end his/her life that day. He learnt how to reprogram his brain for better mental health and happiness by boosting his Happy hormones.

52 of such people who once wanted to end their lives are alive and doing well in life.

This is not always the case as those who feel like ending their lives, do not tell others before doing it. Those 52 people told MS. SUCHI that they wanted to harm themselves. Next week her phone rang again… She picked up... That call was from a lady who was standing at the railway station, she shared MS. SUCHI when she saw the train arriving at the station, she felt like jumping in front of it. That lady was not even aware that she was having suicidal thoughts.

Many people live their lives feeling sad, low and depressed and some of them decide to end their lives. Some suffer in silence lifelong not knowing that the chemical imbalance in their brains is causing them to feel that way. They are not aware that if they learn how to strike a balance between Happy and Stress hormones, they can live a happy life. MS. SUCHI'S story is about how she learned how to manage depression. Her story is about how she studied the Brain and its functions, specifically boosting Happy hormones and started guiding people to get the dosage of it whenever they felt sad, low and depressed.

Yes, it is possible for human beings to learn how to look out for people who are thinking of ending their lives. Yes, it is possible for us to learn how to approach and guide them.

Together we can keep a lookout for those who need our support to manage their mental health. Together we can guide those who do not see themselves useful. Together we can spread hope and empowerment. Together, we can lower the number of suicide cases. Will you join MS. SUCHI? You can connect with her by finding her social media handles when you Google ~ Ms. Suchi


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