My journey to adopting and promoting holistic well-being began about 3 decades back when I was out of Engineering College in Mumbai. I went to the Gulf where I returned to India, not able to fully cope up with the challenges of a civil engineer on site, my health started failing. I became seriously sick and unwell and every day I struggled with Loose watery motions and bleeding.
I actually lost count of my visits to the washroom, and this continued for about 6 months, taking medications that offered me no improvement, Until I was diagnosed with # Ulcerative Colitis (Inflammation of the large intestine), by a leading Gastroenterologist in 1986, along the way I had lost about 5 kg weight due to the illness, I was put on steroids and other medications, instructed not to stop them until advised(steroids were to be tapered off gradually).
A slight recovery and I would opt to stop all my medications and my Colitiswould relapse, in and out of the best hospitals in Mumbai under different Specialists on several occasions. I struggled endlessly with the same medications and no lasting relief or effect. I tried different methods for healing as well, however, my suffering did not end so easily and thus I suffered for 13 long years during which I gave up my site job and started working as a Civil Engineering Contractor in partnership with a friend, which allowed me to remain home on days when I would be Unwell. In the Year 1999, I happened to read a small newspaper article about a combination of alternative therapies, with a faint hope I tried it and this time it worked.
My Health improved substantially in just 6 months. This incident changed my Life path altogether and I discovered a new passion, that of Helpingpeople end their physical/mental/emotional suffering through these Alternative therapies. Today I am living an inspired and contended life,I am healthy and my Ulcerative colitis has been TOTALLY CURED since1999, though a few people tell me I'm in remission! Along the way, I have gained weight, and I enjoy eating out regularly which would not be advisable for such a case. This story about my Struggle and Ultimately Recovery Prompted various Newspapers and Magazines to interview me during the years since 2000, one that is very appropriately titled “ The Worst is Over” of March 2009, in the Newspaper Hindustan Times from Mumbai.
Between 1999 and 2017, We traveled across India and abroad on invitation, sharing, spreading and holding treatment / lecture camps at various locations for Various Organizations / Individuals and were very fortunate to be offered a slot Daily on the AASTHA channel @ 0035 Hrs. (IST), propagating Acupressure Therapy and Systems in 2006, which continues to be Broadcast Worldwide along withMy Co-host and Colleague Ms Shilpa Khedekar, (Available at www.thehea1inghub.in) Life is a journey and like any journey, it also has its risks many times we fall prey to the pitfalls of ignorance, In that, we damage our mind stream and our consciousness which leads to the imbalance of energy in the physical body as well. Any injury or disease is only a reflection of our imbalance within, The therapies whether focusing on the mind or body help us restore our lost balance and when that is achieved healing is the spontaneous consequence. The realization of this simple process can end our futile search for complex remedies. Nature is simple and so is our body, and it know show to keep itself healthy and efficient. Only a faulty intervention is what causes suffering which can happen through bad diet and lifestyle, wrong and negative thinking, disempowering beliefs and lack of self—love and self-esteem. If we learn to cultivate a healthy lifestyle, we will not require any intensive healthcare throughout our life. Even in severe/complex cases we, have proved that natural therapies have worked, towards the end of the book, we have presented various such complex health issues that, we could treat with very good outcomes beyond any doubts, and proof of successful treatment results are in form of tabulated results/and pictures before and after treatment in cases of visible results.It is only our own Willingness to adopt them that is needed. Our Vision is to spread the message about this integrated approach of using Alternative therapies. Millions of people are dying every year due to physical suffering, which can be easily eliminated. Today more than high-end Drugs and Complex treatments we need a Holistic approach and an army of healers that do the work required.
“Without healthy life is not life; it is only a state of languor and suffering - an image of death”. -Buddha
Let's us ALL nurture a healthy state of body and mind and be ALIVE... Wishing Everyone Enough in Life, Always.
Co-Author of Wellness with Acupressure & Colours