We’ve all had our share of bad days. Sometimes, one little thing sends us off track and sets the tone for the day to be “less than ideal.” Other times, it is one thing that turns into a mountain of small mishaps that snowball like a blizzard ready to engulf you. So, how do you change your circumstances for the better and trust the timing of your life?
Most of us have had “THE” day where nothing seems to go right. It is the kind of day that starts out when we wake up late and hit that snooze button one time too many, then stagger out of bed into the shower to get ready, only to find that we are running very late getting out the door for an appointment. You know the drill; you quickly grab coffee, keys, and your personal belongings with no time to eat breakfast.
Now your body is running on fumes all morning, which will make for an empty-tank-not-so-friendly experience with you wherever you go this morning, and then, you get stuck in traffic behind a line of never-ending school buses.
We all know how it feels to experience rejection, loss, and failure in our lives. Moving on when this happens can be grueling but not impossible. All of us cope with these circumstances in various ways, like alone time to process what happened, support from loved ones, or words of encouragement from others during a challenging time.
“Everything happens for a reason” is a common statement we hear from others when life deals us less than what we think we should have at that moment. Some people call this bad timing or luck, others connect it to the universe, and some link it to their faith. No matter what your personal beliefs are, we can probably all agree that there is significant power to harness when you learn to trust the timing of your life.
Want to learn how to trust the timing in your life? This article will break down simple ways to help you learn how and why it’s so powerful to trust the timing of your life.