First of all, understand the concept of Habit.
According to Google, " Something that you do often and almost without thinking, especially that is hard to stop doing or usual behavior. Now, Let's understand the cycle of habits. We use our five senses, sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch.
These senses generate thoughts in our minds. Thought creates a feeling through sensation in our body that ignites action. Repeat action becomes a mental tendency. A tendency develops the behavior, and repeated behavior becomes Habits.
There is three foundation pillar which mandatory for continued improvement.
I named it C-S-S 1st Courage or calculated risk: It is a mental block or procrastination and one of the biggest challenges.
To take the jump in your career you leave your comfort zone first. Take calculated risks in life and move on. 2nd Self-Discipline: The Habit of being Self-Disciple is the pivot for exponential growth in a career.
If you want to add more new customers be self-disciplined in customer calls. Want good health to be self-disciplined in healthy eating and consistent in exercise. It all depends on what you want to be in your career. This is the most common among the top most leader who leads any industry or position.
I mention the name you can relate to it as Virat Kohli, MBA Chai Wala _ Praffal Billore, Ranveer Allahbadia, Ankur warikoo, and many more.
3rd Self-Confidence: The way you feel, you show and express yourself. Your confidence will help you to crack the hard nuts. It is based on your inner peace only that comes from inner to outer direction.
Call to Action: CTA Act as if that fear in your mind doesn't exist.
Talk to the most intelligent people once a day, that is you.
Auto-suggestion and affirmation are helpful tools. Everyone is special and unique but their challenges and circumstances are different from each other. So let's Decode that challenge with me. If this post adds value to your life, please subscribe to it.