Finally, that time of the year, when you can finally breathe, kids don't have to be dragged out of bed early in the morning, you have more time to spend with your loved ones, you finally see your long-time friends and time of laughter and joy! OR NOT.
Sometimes, it can be really stressful to be with your family around the clock plus, during holidays, most of us travel long distances to reunite with our families. Not to mention breaking all the healthy habits you finally managed to stick to after long months of struggling. Haven't we all been there? Starting on green juice in the morning only to indulge in seven different kinds of desserts, because, hey, they are served only during holidays?
Glad you're here! Because she knows how pushy some family members can be, she will share some tips on how you can keep healthy habits even when cranky Uncle Joe is around. Ready? Let's dive in!
Tips To Survive Holidays Without Breaking Healthy Habits
1. Preparation is half the victory:
It is indeed difficult not to grab some junk food when there are no healthy choices around. Therefore, when you are invited to a holiday party, always bring something! Wheat-free? Bake a sourdough Stollen Paleo? Get inspired by the course Pegan Cooking and Lifestyle! Vegan? Prepare a raw dessert! Decorate it with some flower petals (calendula for example) and you can be sure it will become a crowd-pleaser.
2. Traveling made easy:
Many of us travel to visit families and we all know airports don't offer the healthiest foods on the planet (although the choice is fortunately bigger every year). Make sure you have handy some avocados, boiled eggs, and different kinds of nut butters (almond, sunflower etc.)
3. Get delivered:
Arrived at the destination and all you can eat is Aunt Josie's cheesy potato bake and use conventional products in your daily routine? Shop for healthy food and cosmetics and get them delivered to your holiday destination for us. Thrive market or Farm box direct are wonderful choices, for France check out Naturalia or Young Living.
4. Eat this, not that:
If you really need to eat white potatoes or white rice to keep the family happy, remember, that white potatoes and white rice, which are boiled and then cooled have so-called resistant starch in them, which acts like a soluble fibre. Resistant starch feeds friendly bacteria in your intestine, having a positive effect on the type of bacteria.
5. Essential oils for stress relief:
Headache from all those discussions why the heck do you care about healthy eating? Peppermint essential oil is extremely powerful for headaches - put a drop on your temples (make sure you don't rub your eyes afterwards). Be mindful of the quality of the essential oils. She use these.
6. Enjoy:
Last but not least, holidays are about socializing, laughter and pleasure. Take three deep breaths before every meal and enjoy it.
Let me know if these tips have helped you to survive the holidays!