The last few years have been a tough time for men. The term “toxic masculinity” has been used to such an extent that several people in the media have finally voiced their concern. How do you raise a healthy young man when all he hears on TV or social media is the message that normal male behavior is toxic?
The recent public duel between Johnny Depp and his ex exposed the rotten underbelly of the “Me, too” movement. A long suffering man fighting his own demons went face to face with a nasty woman who wanted to destroy him because of their unfortunate marriage. Insisting that she spoke on behalf of battered women was a slap in the face to any woman who truly is a victim of such behavior.
Politicians and celebrities have insisted that all women must be believed, no matter how preposterous their story is. Have we all forgotten that there are two sides to every story? I was raped at a young age, so I know firsthand that there are male monsters living among us.
Men have been blamed for being unfair to women in the workplace. History has shown that in many cases that is true. But things are changing. There still are plenty of barbarian men in our society. They should be held accountable for their mistreatment of women. I believe there is a healing that is happening today. There are many wonderful, compassionate, kind-hearted men out there.
We are entering a time of awakening. This is being seen and felt all over the planet, despite what we are seeing at the moment. One aspect of this new era is the appreciation of what males are meant to be doing. More and more men are reclaiming their place in the natural order of life. Men are becoming more and more appreciated in their roles as a husband and fathers. If the statistics are correct, young men raised without a father are nineteen times more likely to end in jail.
The staggering statistics are just as terrible when it comes to drug use. For too long, we have seen the value of a man simply as a breadwinner. I know a man who died of a heart attack because he spent so many hours chained to his work that he forgot to take care of his health.
Now that women are taking over some stressful roles formerly held by men, we are seeing the numbers of heat attacks climbing even faster for women, than for men. Pablo Picasso said that the most beautiful work of art ever created is the family. The family structure indicates that the man is the head of the family. He certainly should do his best to provide for his wife and children, but it doesn’t end there. Good men need to be appreciated as life partners. The woman in a good man’s life should do all she can to see that her man is well and happy.
This does not mean that he can be a dictator in the family… but he is the head of his family and should be respected as such. We would not have the problems we are facing in our cities if fathers had been accepting their responsibilities in society. Several generations of women have let their breadwinners be replaced by government checks.
Any man who allows his child to grow up without his guidance is not a real man. Men like these are angry. They are angry because they are aware deep inside that they aren’t facing up to their responsibilities. They know deep inside that they have failed at doing the greatest work a man can do. This deep-seated self-loathing often erupts in violence.
Rather than facing the truth that they aren’t real men, they vent their self-loathing by reprehensible behavior. Violence becomes their safety valve. They seek targets to extinguish the anger that festers within their souls. Sometimes it comes out as violence toward women. Psychologists often relate such men to fatherless homes.
Their lack of respect for their mother makes any woman they encounter a potential target for their repressed anger. Other times, these men direct their violent outbursts toward other men. Whether it begins as bullying in school or erupts in violent behavior later, the reason is always the same.
A stable family structure is a basis for any society. There is no valid data that disputes this claim. You will hear the “modern” attitude that men are not essential. You can hear the media screaming that any woman can raise a child on their own. Let the government be your man.
If you are tempted to believe this fallacy, do your own research. You will find that all the bold statements I have made in this article are true. I began my career teaching in an urban high school. The behavior and values of children from two-parent families are shown like in light in the classroom.
I was very saddened as I watched the less fortunate struggle to survive. It broke my heart. As a result, I wrote a book that saved many of my students from mediocre lives. It gave these kids a means to build self-respect by creating a better self-image. It had a step-by-step journal that provided these kids a way to go forward.
I invite you to share my message with any person, young or old, who is floundering in life. Visit MinPowerJournal.com and watch the 4-minute video. The book is either free or $2.99 to download. You can also purchase the paperback for a price that is less than a cheeseburger!
I am now in my seventies, happy, healthy, and loving life. My mission is to invite as many other people as possible to join me in making this journey on earth all that it can be. May you be healthy, happy, and living in the arms of God!