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IS THE SKY FALLING? | Royce Morales

Writer: Bespoke DiariesBespoke Diaries

Is it possible, or even desirable, to be optimistic during times like these? Does it mean putting on rose colored glasses or your best Pollyanna façade? Is it best to keep your head in the sand, never watch the news, not know what is going on?


Or are you able be cognizant of the state of the world, yet able to see the good, find the gifts and trust the process? In other words, be authentically optimistic?


Knowing that democracy came within minutes of falling to a raging coup, a war is seething in Europe for no apparent reason, women have lost the ability to choose their reproductive options, climate is changing, and we are barely out of a pandemic, many are declaring defeat: Pessimism has triumphed.


These recent upheavals can generate a grim prognosis, creating anxiety about our future. Many are prophesying the end of a pretty good run for humanity.


Or, as Chicken Little would say, the sky is falling.


But, does predicting the demise of something help save it? Does hopelessness force us to rally into action? Or does it cause indulgence in inertia as apathy takes over?


My choice to lean toward optimism is born of an intuitive knowingness. My sense is that we are on the back swing of a pendulum that is gathering speed, forwarding into transformation unlike anything we have witnessed.


A shift from primitive, fear-based consciousness to higher consciousness love. Who we really are.


These challenging times are magnifying denied aspects of ourselves so we can look within and get there. At last.


Sometimes, maybe always, it takes drama to be our wake up call, to inspire taking action. If the planet reaches the point that some predict it will, I know that millions of people will be motivated to do whatever they can.


Forecasting doom when it is just fear being triggered is counterproductive. No matter what it looks like right now, the bigger picture is unfolding toward positivity. It is always darkest before the dawn, as the saying goes.


It is tricky to know what to do in response to all that is going on. But it is always our choice to sink into despair or find optimism. It is our choice to focus on what we want rather than what we don't want. It is our choice to trust where we are being led as the bigger picture unfolds. And, we can choose how we will show up, fear or love.


I know that deep in our hearts, we want to feel positive, to trust one another, to know we are on the same path no matter how that looks. It might be hard to ease our collective anxiety with all the uncertainty going on, but division is not going to get us there. What will is strength, resolve, trust and hope.


As I keep saying, we all agreed to be here during these challenging times to do just that. It is our spiritual assignment above all others.


Looking back through generations of challenges, they all could have predicted failure. But rather, despite overwhelming odds, we got through them. And each event delivered us to this precise moment in time, giving lessons we are still learning.


I believe that we will awaken to those messages. It may not be easy, but it is our choice.


Know that there are enough conscious, committed people to help this planet evolve to the loving place we know it can and will be.


It does start with us.


And shift happens.


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