Entrepreneur, startups, Funding, these are very common terms nowadays. May be these words were common for a particular community in past, The Business Community, but in present days it is in trend.
Earlier people with a preset mind to do business entered in this arena and they tried to opt the conventional proven businesses.
Very few People thought about different ideas and rarely someone had the passion to follow “unproven, different ideas” and one among a million succeeded in conceptualizing that Idea.
It’s not like that people were not creative earlier or not dared to try differently, but the means were also limited.
Investors were also keen to invest in conventional ideas to secure their money.
It was easy to get investment if you were planning to buy a shop and nearly impossible to get any fund for web based idea.
But situation is different now, as evolving technology and service oriented market, sorry, “Best service oriented market”, the thought process of the business community is changed and the biggest evolution is that now people from various trade aspire to become entrepreneur and wish to have own startups.
The story of Physiodesk is not so different but have all the parameters which is essential for being called as startup.
The story of Physiodesk started from an Indian Physio having around 8 years of experience in the clinical and academic practice.
In initial days of Practice the main aim was to acquire as much as clinical and academic experience as possible and the biggest challenge was that in the Indian medical system the awareness for Physiotherapy was minimal.
Only Few Medical Practitioners Promoted or referred for Physiotherapy, many were unaware about how this science is curing and essential for the complete medical care.
Dr. Anant Singh (PT), and Dr. Anubha (PT) Physio, were trying to establish themself in the field of Physiotherapy and along with self-establishment was putting efforts to aware common people about this noble profession and its utility and importance in complete recovery of many clinical conditions.
During this phase, They were comparing with the service delivery and management of physiotherapy practice in western countries and came across with the fact that information technology plays important role in managing and promoting every profession.
Physios of western countries were using Web based Services and software to manage their Physiotherapy Practice.
Thought to do same struck and a search for the system to manage individual practice started around 2 years back.
But the available systems were not competent and exclusive for Physiotherapy Profession.
So, with a firm dedication and vision decided to start a venture which should be for the upcoming stream of medical system, which is still underestimated by many.
With this vision Dr. Anant started talking to the people who were established in this field but everything was not ready to serve in your plate.
At a point of time when nothing was happening as Dr. Anant was not having knowledge of Software development, one day he meets an old friend Ashish Srivastava who had recently started his own software company.
With few rounds of talk it was decided to start working on it.
It was just like a Chef got a kitchen without veggies and Gas stove, Spices are far away.
But with passing days the development of Physiodesk started.
During this phase, it was very clear that to grow a platform exclusive for Physiotherapy regular funds will be required, so it was essential to develop a system which can generate revenue otherwise it would not be possible to remain longer with this project because of the continuous expenditures.
This was the time when Physiodesk team heard all these words: Startups, Funding, Pitch Deck, Entrepreneur…. Etc.
Oh, so now the idea to serve community is converting to a business plan and the Physiodesk team was trying to become successful Entrepreneurs, sounds too Good. But the challenges start when you start talking about your Idea with the people who are master in doing Business and common Questions were:
1. Market Size?
2. Scalability?
3. Why only Physiotherapy?
Each and every Big-shot was concerned about profit, but at that point of time Physiodesk team was working towards its Vision. Some people said- “only 65000 Physios in India, how would you scale up”?
Team Says it’s for 1.25 Crore Indian Population because in coming days Physiotherapy would be essential for each and every one. As the vision was not only limited to giving Practice Management Software for Physios but also to serve People who are in need of Physiotherapy treatment.
Team decided to learn the language that is needed to talk in business community. With Each Passing day, Team came to know the word entrepreneur, sounds good but have lots of responsibilities.
Team faced a lot of challenges and yet learning from every event, as we say in Physiotherapy, Mobility is essential, so team was continuously moving. With Time, Physiodesk got seed Investor Mr. Hitesh Vadi from Ahmedabad and it was like they got some good veggies in their kitchen.
In last one year the reputation of Physio desk has been increased exponentially and many Physios are now aware about that it provides a web service which can be helpful for their Practice management and growth.
With a great team of techies and Physios and along with initial investment Physiodesk team is doing good and yes in terms of technology they are learning a lot to improve themselves day by day. In spite of Other Available systems Physios are preferring Physiodesk because it is created with love exclusively for Physios and By Physios.
In present scenario, Physiodesk have started Tie-ups with various Web based services and platforms to give best services to Physiotherapists of India. Mobile App development and support by HackerKernel, Husain Saify, has given strength in reaching many Physios.
Team has Decided to keep on working for single Vertical I.e. Physiotherapy, to make it best.
A year before it was very difficult for Physiodesk team to understand many things but with continuous efforts and dedication now doing wonderful with 2000 Physios on board Pan India.
During this journey Physiodesk Team was supported and guided by mentors: Mr. Pradeep Karambelkar, Director, Vision Advisory ; Mr. Nemesh singh , CEO, Appointy.com ; Dr. Nishant Nambison, Professor , GHMC ; Mr. Mukesh Nayak , Director , Physiotimes and many others.