There is a similarity between being in a relationship and being admitted in the hospital; people would ask you, “serious hai kya?” This is so because any seriousness requires intensive care. It is the mind which plays a vital role in maintaining physical energy levels and it is our body which supports the mind to undertake its functions. It is a team work of body and mind which enables us to live life to the fullest.
And I was under the impression that being unhealthy was good as it attracts sympathy and attention from people. I was a healthy child in my house, and therefore I was never allowed to bunk school like some of my peers. And to add to it, there was no special award for 100% attendance in my school.
On my visits to unwell people, when I saw bouquets of flowers, hordes of greeting cards and exquisite fruits by their side, I had actually felt jealous. The patients were given full attention and all waited to meet them.
To top it all, everyone spoke to them so kindly. So, I cautiously prayed to god for a disruption in my life’s smooth sailing to experience extraordinary care and devotion from people. And sure enough, my prayers were answered. I have undergone a few surgeries for different reasons and had numerous occasions to be admitted to the hospital.
Therefore, now I have had my share of experiencing loneliness, restrictions on diet, missing the best of the times with family and friends, not taking up any work assignments, having to take in loads of antibiotics, losing my freedom to explore, worrying about after effects, and depending on people for basic support.
Last but not least, I could not dress up and go shopping like I used to normally do. This, I feel, is all because I manifested the unwanted situations in my life. It was hard to remain inactive and take rest while my mind was excited and wanted to fly from the cot especially in the night.
“Small pleasures are the biggest treasures” I did realize this when the helpers spoke to each other while mopping on the floor or eating together, leading a normal life. Observing them became my source of entertainment. I used to be sleepless if they were not heard in the background or away to some other ward to attend the more needy.
A tranquil mind helps us realize the central point of happiness, which is undoubtedly having a good health. Freedom to do our own things, asking no one for support, and crafting our life in the way we want to be, are all possible only if we have healthy thoughts and a healthy body.
Because, our thoughts influence to a great extent our ability to endure and overcome problems. I could keep myself happy during my later hospitalizations only because I kept my thoughts vibrant and positive. When things change inside us, things also change around us, this came true in my case.
As I prioritized my time for small things, big things happened without effort.I celebrated my silver jubilee wedding anniversary recently at INHS Asvini, at room no 3. It was an exceptional experience.
My spirits went up high when my Doctor told me, “Ma’am, tonight you can have a sip of wine”, because I was on a strict diet. They were electrifying words which made me feel powerful in that pathetic health condition. By God’s grace, I have bounced back to a healthy bandwagon once again. And now, I want to say it loudly….ALL IS WELL!