"Reality of the life is that you have to die every day to live" and it is more grating and cruel for the children without the backbone(parents), those who are called as orphans. Those little buds begin to diminish before blooming. According to the UNICEF (united nations children fund) about 153 million children are orphans worldwide. They are the real strugglers in this raucous society.
The expanding in the number of orphans can be perilous for the future generation as the little ones lack the basic resources and support. They don't know what is affection and inclination, they always crave for it. All these things can lead to the psychiatric problems of the children also known as PTDS. Such children’s special treatment and supervision.
Some NGO's and Government organizations provide care and other basic needs to them. That can be short term or long term. Orphanages are the temporary homes of the orphans. But they can affect the mental health and social wellbeing of the children as they have fear of abuse and ferocity.
The life is a real struggle for them as they are in need what everyone desires the most. These rugged circumstances are their daily dose. They have to deal with every new combat and hussle. Everyday working hard, with full efforts in order to attain their necessity.
Burning in the aspiration of living a joyful and harmonious life the little one's blaze like the coal in order to shine like the gold. Imagine sleeping with empty stomach, imagine a forcefully early child marriage, imagine getting distributed to relatives.
Our childhood passes while playing despite this they were working for their appetite, with holding back tears in the eyes commencing again and again. As it has become their daily cup of tea.
One must have affection towards such innocent and pure souls. If we can't do much at least we can brace up them. As the ray of optimism will be enough for bringing a bright smile on their countenance.