The journey of my life started from the small town of Bokaro, the steel city of India. I was an average student in an average Indian household. But life changed when I moved to Delhi, the capital city of India. The transition, my family’s financial situation, and life,in general, begin to feel extremely complicated. I was looking for some answers which were beyond my comprehension.
Fate as many would call it, very keen to seek the life and its mysteries I found myself in Satya Sai’s ashram. I spent a month there and witnessed miracles with my own eyes every day. The place instigated me to dig deeper and unleash the spiritual side of my being.
I realised that this is the answer to my questions and dived even deeper to study spirituality and religion. Attended many workshops to understand the power of unconscious mind and realised that awakening this sub conscious is my true calling, I aspired to become a trainer and started out as a freelancer.
Life happened and I found myself in Pune, a city which I call home now. I started working for some start-ups and later on some bigger players in Insurance sector. I trained people on insurance products and created customised learning programs to motivate and inspire them to achieve bigger and bigger goals each day. Six years passed and I was happy achieving and overachieving my targets, being recognised as a start performer year after year. On the surface life looked perfect but on the inside something was amiss. The transactional approach to life was not something I was aspiring for.
Once again, I decided to take a risk, break out of my comfort zone and realize the potential of my unconscious mind. I became a leadership facilitator and a coach. Today after giving almost 12 years of my life to Inspiring people via my training and coaching programs, I am proud to be called a Transformational coach. I work with SME’s, corporates, individuals to awaken them to their true potential and help them aspire for a growth they always thought was “out of their league”.
I am complemented a lot for my ability to connect with people and put them at ease. An instant connection that I build with people is my asset for life. The premise of my facilitation is the balance between the spiritual and the materialistic world, both of which according to me have their own significance. My participants have gone through some powerful internal changes and have been able to apply the teachings in their life to gain inner satisfaction as well as materialistic gains.
The mission of my life now is to awaken and inspire people to achieve their true potential, explore and get connected to their spiritual side, and live a wholesome life, one which allows them to experience material gains and spiritual awakening at the same time. I am an avid meditation practitioner and believe in the omnipresence of god in the form of energy in each individual.
In my journey, I added many feathers to my cap in the form of certifications from national and international organizations, worked with the biggest names in the corporate world and touched many lives to transform them completely. If you ask me, how did it happen? I would say the key was resilience and my belief in my dreams.
I have always believed in this quote from Elbert Hubbard
"A little more effort, a little more persistence and what seemed a hopeless failure may turn into glorious success".
I am sure you all also set goals, but we have seen very few succeed in achieving the goals. Have you ever wondered why we fail? The reason is a lack of persistence and consistency. No matter how passionate we are, we often give up very easily.
Giving up is easy and what's easier is to blame our fate. Generally, it's a human tendency not to shoulder the responsibility of our own life. We blame our bad luck or someone else. But it's high time to understand that it's our life and we are solely responsible for it. Our life is what we make of it, the choices we make, the risks we take and the lessons we learn on the journey.
This is my simple check list that I use to set up my goals- after all our goals are the ones that keep us excited and motivated to continue,
Set a realistic yet inspiring goal.
Make a proper plan and chalk out all available resources to achieve the goal.
Make efforts towards it.
Last but not the least, make consistent efforts to achieve your dream goal.
You might have heard this water has the power to cut the stones but does it succeed at once to cut through the stubborn rocks? Obviously, no. It's only through strong and consistent efforts that water succeeds in doing so. This holds for humans as well. You might fail once but standing back again and trying even harder and smarter takes you nearer to your goals. But how many of us have that persistence in our attitude and nature? Very few, I'm sure.
You know what 99% of people die with a regret, regret of bad choices they made, the regret of an aimless life and so on. Only a tiny 1% die with the peace of doing something remarkable in their lives. Think a while and decide in which category you fall. Death is the ultimate truth of human life. We all have to die one day certainly but let's not regret and die. And for that sake, we have to make our lives an example for people to remember for years.
To sum up, set up a massive goal, focus on the goal while enjoying the journey, bring ‘Life’ in your approach, never give up, put persistent efforts until you achieve your goals.
Let your efforts be so strong and persistent that the goal looks petty in front of it.
Be such a fierce soul and live an exemplary life.
"Seem it is interesting to sum up all correctness in life with you to achieve the ultimate goal."
Always thankful to get aware about such a person who lived common but became exceptional by the efforts made in the correct direction with correct selections.
Wish you all best wishes for making other's life happening and full of joy and success.
A common man can't understand his own hidden potential unless he look inside himself. We all have great potential to "live our life to its fullest" if we learn from the life lessons of Himanshu ji.
He is a real GEM and a living LEGEND.