Language is the fundamental tool of human communication which distinguishes it from other living creatures. The mother tongue is a system of communication used by a particular aspect or community, a region, even a country. Language play a vital role in shaping of a cultural and traditional heritage.
Without any language, the culture, history, psyche, societal norms, beliefs, sociality, solidarity helping, etc. people's life cannot be fully satisfied, their developmental ways gets lost, will power remains stagnant and hampered. It is commonly said that, "Languages are the bridges between the ideas", this fits perfectly where there is a plenty of languages in a small geographical area.
The mother tongue is a chariot perhaps a rocket for translating the ideas and human expression rooted deep into the mind. Mother tongue plays a key role in the overall growth and development of a child. Educational experts, philosophers, scientists, great saints, and language experts all agrees with the fact that the children can be educated and trained at best manner in their specific mother tongue, proving this fact, there are many practical examples, some nations who are excelling in every step of development wither it is digitalization or supersonic.
We were so unlucky that westernisation has shaded a deep impacts on our livelihoods. Adaptation of western culture, tradition and languages are becoming a compulsion these days, which is proving to be a boulder on the way of development and neural nourishment. The mother tongue is the medium with which we develop enormous ideas and thoughts.
It is the same which we tune in the mother's womb. We expertise, our experiences, explore our customs, structure our community, pillar our democracy and amend our fundamentals. It is the means with which we keep our identity unified.
Encouraging and appreciating the young generations and infants to learn their mother tongue would help them to develop the moral values, confidence, self-esteem, and their unique identity within a multicultural society. For example, People of Jammu district speak Dogri and are identified as Dogras, Kashmiris by Kashmiri, Pogal by Pogali, etc. Languages own the heritage of a region.
By the introduction of mother tongue as a medium of communication and instruction it will help us to improve our educational standards and will help to mitigate high dropout rates because of the fact that they have a positive impact of their mother tongue, they can express their problems and solution in more lucid ways as their innocence and natural thought process has been built in their mother's womb.
Recently Government of India has come up with a new educational policy which stresses upon local and regional languages to be the medium for learning and now it is the prime responsibility of local administration to identify and give a place play card to local languages of the area.
Due to lack of administrative and parental interest the craze for mother tongue is on the way to vanish, some people even feel guilty and shameful in expressing themselves in their mother tongue, they prefer English, Hindi or Urdu as a medium of communication with their families and relatives.We should feel proud while speaking and expressing ourselves in our mother tongue.
A region is known by its language and culture. It is truly said that, "The greatest and most powerful gift of parents, can give to their children is to pass their language and culture".