The idea of choice has been on my mind lately and I have tried many ways, to put into words, how I have been feeling regarding the construct of choice. The foundational deterministic philosophy of my educational background seems to force an interpretation. Yet, so many people believe in so many different ideas and authorities. In the grand scheme of things, who is to say who’s accurate? This causes me to struggle to string together a coherent group of words, to form a logical and rational sentence of exactly what choice may be and how it is exercised. In all the unseen work I put into my personal growth, a dichotomy grows based on experiential laboratory testing. Personal experiments, subjective experiences, and anecdotal testimony seem unlikely to suffice; even for my intellectual curiosity. What has emerged is a feeling; one strong enough to be deemed real and serve a purpose for my life, only to be described in the words below.
Today I took a step different
than the millions taken before
A walk in faith, not of
God or religion but
one of understanding that all lies within
and ONE.
The brilliance and complex simplicity baffle the likes
of a scientist
Yet, the human at peace, has made a choice of gigantic proportion
The only choice available to us all
It seems to me, the only choice one gets to make in life is the choice to view
all that one comes into contact with as good
or bad
With this sentiment in mind, neither position is necessary for
they are one in the same; an event,
you choose to attach a perspective to