Today is a world full of modern technologies due to great development in the field of science. Scientists are doing lots of hardwork to create something new which can be beneficial for the world. After every new research, for the verification of that particular discovery, tests are done so that it can be released and available for use, thereafter.
And after the tests on that discovery if it is passed and approved by all the scientists and researchers and works well as supposed and have very less side effects or drawbacks, then it is provided to the common people for safe use.
But with the development of new technologies, the old technologies are being replaced and are avoided. In fact, the new discoveries which are done are done considering the old postulates and scientific laws. That means, primary information is the base for the advanced discoveries. Even the cultures and traditions too have a change after the existence of new technology.
In the ancient times when there was no internet, people used to send their messages by handwritten letters to their friends or relatives. But, now a days, people use emails or other online media applications to communicate with each other. No doubt, it is easier, cheaper, safe and more comfortable but the handwritten postcards are really neglected and our coming generation will never consider it. The message related to love, affection and feelings which are now sent through simple chat, really don't show a physically heart touching effect.
But if the same message is sent by post having handwritten text, the reader will really feel that the person has consumed the time of his busy life schedule in writing that message and if it contains the handmade drawing in it too , it will really touch the heart in a more effective way.
For example-: If a hostel student and his mother are living far away from each other, wants to communicate with each other and show real love, then there are two options, first is calling or chatting online & other is using old method i.e. by sending a handwritten message.
If the child sends a message putting his heart out there through online text using emojis and stickers, it will surely touch her heart but if he prefers to send through hand written feelings by scribbling pencil or pen on paper and instead of using sticker, drawing a handmade painting or sketch, it will show his creativity and the mother can feel the thoughts by touching and feeling the handmade creativity with her hands that his son has put it out on a piece of paper and she will feel the physical thoughts and affection of that child.
That's why old technology is really royal. And royal things leaves great impact for longer and forever period of time. Moreover, the certificates and appreciation awards as well as auditions are done online. E-certificates are provided and which don't look royal and good as compared to physical certificates. These online certificates can be made by anyone and sometimes resembles fake.
That's why, the new technology is not loyal to anyone as compared to old technology.
Not only this, but the writers too write directly in notepad or somewhere else without writing firstly by hand on a physical paper. The old songs which are really different and melodious. This type of thing is not present in the new songs. Now a days, the new songs made are mostly remake of old songs.
This is because the old, royal songs have that lyrics which sounds great and those features are rarely seen in the new songs. Even the physical dictionary booklet which is rarely used now a days to search word meanings is totally replaced by the online dictionary. Due to this advancement of technology only the students are able to study online and are provided with live facilities too. But alone online study is not beneficial, it is helpful along with physical teacher in most of the cases.
A physically present teacher can sit with a student and can observe his problems and drawbacks and can help him to solve his difficulties. It is also an old, royal method of learning. While using internet, e-learning facility, students face many problems like weak internet connection. That's why, under this category, new technology is not loyal to students. So, old, classroom programs are more beneficial.
The farmer, now a days, use artificial unloyal fertilisers and pesticides, which are beneficial for crops but not humans. In the old times, farmers only preferred fertilisers made from the organic matter which was royal and rich in nutrients too with no side effects and beneficial for humans.
Moreover, people now a days, are wearing dresses which are just good for show off, but not comfortable for wearing but best in look only.
These costumes are used less for covering body but more for physical good looking. And people are unaware of seasons and cultures but wear those dresses which look unique and attractive from outside with no other properties. In this way, the new dresses are non durable and hence not loyal to anyone as compared to culture promoting, royal old style, durable and comfortable clothes.
Not only this, even the food made with old equipments has real luscious taste, which is not in the food made with new electronic equipments. For example-: A roadside food stall using clay oven to cook indian bread has a really better, royal taste and flavour as compared to food made by high quality branded equipment in 5 star hotels. As brand is not everything but local with good royal quality is well appreciated.
That's why, in this new modern world, unloyal new is replacing royal old. This imperial old which is not less than gold and can never be depleted permanently.