Hey guys! My name is Ruby, an author, blogger, founder of the healthy Kingdom, and full-time mother & wife. My vision is to give a contribution to making a healthy world and helping communities throughout the world.
I did my Professional Degree in Corporate Law in India. In 2013, we moved to US. in Minnesota with my 1-year son, after coming USA, I had no work permit, so we were enjoying life with family and I made a lot of friends there. I was doing vacations and parties. In 2014 we moved to Santa Rosa, where my life was transformed so much there and I started to get visions and messages from God.
I was disconnected from social media and focused on spirituality, and I read a lot of religious books, though if this Spiritual knowledge helps me a lot will others too. So I started Spiritual Page on Facebook and so many people are connected with it. I was listening every day my intuition worked accordingly.
In 2015 we moved to LA. and In 2016 we were blessed with my second child, during pregnancy time I joined Network Marketing Business, I was not serious about that time as that was the time to welcome my daughter, our happiness has no limit when I saw my daughter for the first time. After a few months, I became an active member in Network Marketing Business. My husband was also big supporter, he also joins with me.
We attended so many seminars, and conferences, where I recognized my true skill in Health and wellness, I learned so much about health and supplements and nutrients, and I read so many motivational books and learned from coaches and entrepreneurs about leadership and more.
But later my husband has to focus on his work and I was doing everything alone. We started to argue about many things, our relationship was not going well. I didn’t want to give my kids that toxic environment. So I decided, to leave that business in 2019. I took 100% responsibility to improve our family relations and give a healthy environment to our kids.
On the other hand, my soul was calling me to do something big. One day I was so upset and crying, what should I do now? Should I pursue my career? or should go for a job?, yes that time I have a work permit. So that night, God gave me a dream to follow your purpose.
That day God reminds my vision and dream to help the people and the communities through NGOs and Charities, and knowledge sharing. So I decided to create something that I can help people.
I started to read more books on health. I started to share with people, how to eat healthy food, and how to take care of your body with Natural things. My Vision is to make a Healthy world and to aware people of the right and healthy information so that it will impact people in present and be helpful for future generations.
With God’s blessings, I started Health and wellness Blog and I wrote so many articles, I also run some social Media pages to motivate people and share facts about their Healthy body, mind & soul through posts consistently. We are also supporting an orphanage in Kenya and supporting some religious communities in India. My husband and kids are also big supporters of my journey.
I also wrote a book, on women's empowerment ‘How to use women’s Powers to make a Healthy world’ and it is going to publish at the end of July 2022. I believe, all woman has so much potential, courage, and strength to transform ourselves, and our family and play a profound role to make a healthy world. We just have aware of those powers to her.
I have faced so many challenges and overcome my fears to pursue my dream In my book, based on my experiences and research, I mentioned some of the powers of women, which are given as follows;
Power of Motherhood
Power of Love
Power of Giving
Power of Spirituality
Power of understanding
Power of Health Care
Power of Self Improvement
Power of Leadership
Power of Vision
Power of Courage
When I look back, I am heading towards my dream or my soul's purpose. It took a lot of hard work, courage, consistency, faith, and patience. Things were easy in starting, but if you have an itch in your inside, you will find your way. If you will connect the dots, you will find, that every single thing is pulling you towards your Destiny.
Stay Healthy & Safe!!
By Ruby Sengar encapsulates the magnetic force of ambition, drawing us towards our aspirations. Much like selecting the perfect vacation rental, pursuing our dreams requires careful consideration and planning. It's about creating the ideal environment where our passions can thrive. Sengar's insights remind us to embrace the journey towards our dreams, navigating challenges with resilience and unwavering determination.