One of the most powerful words and experiences in the world is motherhood. The journey from kisses and cuddles to late-night snuggles, from tiny fingers to mature teenagers, all this is a roller coaster of emotions. Her experience with this part of life has been one of the most treasured of her life.
The moment her child was born, she, as a mother, was also born. This new her never existed before. As a mother, she was an absolutely new person. She changed as a person; her priorities changed; her whole lifestyle changed; and now her world revolves around her child. Some days were hard and some days were easy, but ultimately, the joy of raising small humans was so powerful.
It was both an emotional and exhausting journey where she started to learn new things about life and about herself. Being a new mom, it's common to feel unprepared, overwhelmed, worried, and even scared on this journey. When her son was born, she decided to be a stay-at-home mother. While she was raising her son, she was raising herself too. She was learning through self-help books and taking online courses to up-skill her knowledge and skills.
It’s always been fascinating to her that when asked, “What do you do?” People answer with a job title, having a job, or doing something useful in the eyes of society. What if she doesn’t work? She has the cherished title of MOTHER. People found it odd that a woman who graduated with honours would choose to stay at home with her child, but her degree never went to waste. She wanted to treasure these special childhood memories with her son, and with her heart, she started raising her child so that his soul would shine and nurture him with her family values and culture.
As the years passed, her son started going to kindergarten, and she started making more time for herself. Solely out of passion, she took the first step by starting her YouTube channel, ‘Inspiring Lives by Jyoti Singh', to spread motivation and positivity for a better world.
As a dedicated parent, she decided to learn more about parenting and finally signed up for a certification course to help others in their parenting journey. In the course, she understood the power of Positive Parenting strategies. She realized that parenting is one of the most significant roles in which children can have a lasting impact on their lives.
Her relationship with her son changed when she started implementing her learnings in her day-to-day life. She observed that her little one started getting calmer, more joyful, and a better listener. It happened because she changed herself by getting mindful and by being friendly about her role. It was effortless to influence her child.
She realized that the only parenting you need to do is with yourself. Start role-modelling what you are asking your children to do or be. They will be your reflector. She completed her training as a parenting coach for toddlers, middle schoolers, and teens. She genuinely feels that this journey of hers has given her a purpose in life. What she learned completely changed her family, and it can change others, too.
She endeavours to guide the parents in creating a healthy, happy, and balanced family life by improving communication and relationships between parents and children. As she moved ahead in her parent coaching journey, she realized that student life is the most important and golden period of development, and she started to empower students to fulfil their dreams, fuel their confidence to trust their wings and aim high in life.
Her passion for empowering parents and students has led her to establish ‘Enlightened Parenting Hub‘ and ‘Inspiring Lives by Jyoti Singh‘.
There is a hidden power within every mother that can help them REDISCOVER themselves. You just have to trust yourself and let your wings carry you to new heights.
Here are 5 important reminders for mothers:
1. There is no such thing as a perfect mom. Stop comparing yourself or your lives with others because we all have different sets of lives, families, cultures, and priorities. The truth is, we are all doing the best that we can. This is the beauty of motherhood.
2. Everything is just a phase: If you are a new mom, you are surely going to find the initial years of motherhood quite overwhelming, but trust her, all the pains are sometimes quite challenging, but the rewards are so very worth it.
Prioritize self-care: It is uncommon to find a mother who prioritizes herself over her child. And while it is very important to put your child first, it is equally important to look after yourself. Even if it's just for a few minutes each day, it's important to do something that you enjoy and that helps you recharge. Remember, billions of cells in your body work day and night just to keep you in the best condition possible! At the end of the day, you cannot be fully present for your child if you are not feeling your best.
A bad day doesn't make you a bad mom: It's simply a sign that you're human and that motherhood is a demanding and challenging job. You're still a loving, caring parent, even if you make a few mistakes.
Keep Upskilling: The world is constantly changing, and it is important to stay ahead of the curve in order to be successful in both your personal and professional life. Take advantage of online resources. There are many online resources available that can help you upskill yourself from home. These resources can be free or paid, depending on your needs.
The best way to achieve in life is to have a growth mindset as a mother. “People often say that motherhood is about making sacrifices. But for her it is all an investment she is making in building a strong relationship with her child.” – Jyoti Singh
Motherhood is not a destination; it’s a journey. It’s a beginning - the beginning of finding yourself as a mother and as a woman. Enjoy it, cherish it and embrace it. Special thanks to her husband, family, and friends for caring about her, loving her, believing in her, and empowering her to do her best.