Say it out loud and take the responsibility
Robustness, competence, and an individual’s character are best determined by whether you’re willing to embrace and take up the accountability of every word spilled out, every action and its riposte, each decision, and predominantly the way of living your life.
There’s a fine line between blaming yourself and taking responsibility. Culpability and responsibility are quite disparate as one denotes self-loathing and the other speaks of gallantry. It’s a minute difference that tends to make a huge difference in our lives.
Each one of us has gone through some rough patches and will continue to do so, but how we react to them and how well we take responsibility for whatever happened enunciates the most of our core prowess. Some irksome circumstances change us a lot and our perceptions towards a gazillion little things.
You gave your all and yet somehow you couldn’t get that picture-perfect future, so what’s next? Sit with yourself, feel the disappointment and get through it. But but but! When you talk to yourself again or to someone else about the same, take responsibility for the outcome. Unravel the veiled teaching of the testing times.
Just because what once used to be an ‘alluring notion of romance’ turned out to be a ‘not-so-perfect fairytale ending’ doesn’t mean we go around every nook and corner announcing how people change and speak ill of them. Yes, people change and it is okay because you as well are ‘people’ in someone else’s story!
And this idea isn’t just about your failures. Your success and your happiness require you to take a stand as well. Take responsibility and give your best. Whether things work out or not, you won’t be living with it forever. So cherish the moments where things went well and take credit for that but don’t forget to take responsibility when they go south. After all, you signed up for it.
Taking responsibility for your actions always reduces the scope for regret to live as your neighbor next door. Go live in that independent penthouse!
Love someone with your whole heart with no conditions applied, and tell them about it. If they break your heart take responsibility that it was your decision to pour your heart out there! That was on you, how the other one reacts is their choice.
We tend to rely on excuses and blame games just to feel a tad better about ourselves or to at least show that we aren’t the evil mistress. For once let’s just accept we were wrong, things didn’t work out and it is okay. Or even if we were right, things didn’t turn out to be, so it is okay, it wasn’t a ‘bad experience’ it was just an experience.
Trying something new? Be ready to take the probability of failing along the ride too, calculate the risks, and dive in!
And once that transposition occurs, you’ll be independent. Independent to live your life on your own terms. No one else can do that for you, no one else can give you that freedom but you yourself by opting for the ‘I’m responsible for my own shit’ attitude. Give yourself room to grow by becoming independent by truly taking a step towards being independent; by being responsible.