How many times have we seen hashtag#sales hashtag#presentations that don’t move people? More often than not, we (sales professionals) in the hashtag#technology industry forget that customers don't act based on logic alone (Ethos, Pathos, Logos).
We forget that the primary objective of the hashtag#sales presentation should not be to sell but to persuade that we are the solution and not an answer. hashtag#Persuasion is the centerpiece of business activity.
hashtag#Customers must be persuaded to buy your company's products or services, hashtag#employees and colleagues must be persuaded to participate in a new strategic plan or reorganization, hashtag#investors must be persuaded to buy or sell your shares, and hashtag#partners must be persuaded to sign the next transaction.
One way to hashtag#persuade is to use hashtag#conventional rhetoric, which is what most professionals do and are trained to do and this unfortunately is not enough. However, another very effective means of hashtag#persuasion is the appropriate use of hashtag#storytelling techniques.
In a hashtag#story, not only do you provide information, facts, in a compelling way, but you also arouse emotions and energy, which are key elements in convincing and getting what you want. In the hashtag#world of SaaS, storytelling is not just an art: it is a hashtag#strategic tool that stimulates persuasion at all levels of the hashtag#company.
The question that is important to take in consideration now is How and When to use storytelling strategies effectively during your SAAS product presentation. The purpose of my Thesis is to answer these questions
Diet tidak makan nasi adalah metode yang dilakukan untuk mengurangi asupan karbohidrat dengan mengganti nasi sebagai sumber utama kalori dengan alternatif lain yang lebih rendah kalori atau memiliki indeks glikemik lebih rendah. Biasanya, diet ini diganti dengan konsumsi sayuran, protein, atau biji-bijian seperti quinoa, oatmeal, atau kentang. Tujuannya adalah untuk menurunkan berat badan atau mengontrol kadar gula darah. Namun, penting untuk tetap menjaga keseimbangan nutrisi dan berkonsultasi dengan ahli gizi agar kebutuhan gizi tetap terpenuhi.