Jim Rohn wrote:
“To become financially independent you must turn part of your income into capital; turn capital into enterprise; turn enterprise into profit; turn profit into investment; and turn investment into financial independence.”
Brian Tracy, in his turn, pointed out that a great success, including business, is preceded by a lot of difficulties and lessons. It is hard not to face obstacles while climbing to the top. After overcoming another difficulty ask yourself the following questions. What did I do right? What would I have done differently?
Analyze the situation to find a solution, ask yourself: What can I change to cope with the situation? What to do in the economic chaos? What to do when things go wrong? What to do in case of bankruptcy when things go bad?
Be aware that no matter what, you can do amazing things. Sometimes people are able to do great things in spite of the most terrible circumstances. Why is this so? Because people are amazing and unique creations. Only they, bumping into weeds, cannot just tear them up by the roots, but also to turn brush into a beautiful garden.
Almost everyone can do something from nothing. A human being is able to move from poverty to prosperity, to turn a penny in fortune and to convert misfortune into success. Why people are able to do this? The reason is a human uniqueness. Take a look inside yourself and you will find that nature has given you amazing abilities that can be developed and used for a benefit.
These abilities are your most valuable assets. Thanks to them, you can change everything you want. For example, to transform your life, if you do not like it, to get everything you lack. It is not necessary to always stay in one place. You can transform a situation, your house, whatever. The most remarkable quality that you have is the ability to do everything that is necessary to achieve a desired result, to turn bad luck into success.
Such unpleasant phenomena as ungrounded criticism, lack of self-confidence lying of rejection, disputes, stress, jealousy, offence, pain, and suffering can lead to failure. We should not let them dominate our lives. If somebody's insulting words, anger and criticism are unpleasant to you, do not give in. Make a bad seed dry out to give life to something new and bright.
Every failure can be a seed, from which you'll grow future success every day.
Through the pain and difficulties you will reach the top.
You need motivation:
Sylvester Stallone dreamed of becoming an actor. He went to castings, took part in crowd scenes, but nobody took him. A couple of times he acted in crowd scenes, where he got punched in the face in the background. This is all that he has achieved over several years visiting studios and haunting directors and film producers. At the age of twenty-five, he was still unknown. He even did not have acting experience!
The probability that Stallone was invited to play a leading role was not just equal to zero, it was negative. He annoyed everyone by his dream to act in movies. He ran out of money. His wife told him many times: "Listen, set to work. Stop wasting time! Stop deluding yourself! We have no money." They had to sell all worthwhile things they had. Soon his wife slammed the door and left this "crazy guy".
Stallone left with the dog and an empty apartment with no heat and electricity. He turned into a beggar; he was terribly poor –he had no money even for food. All their friends and relatives told him: "What are you doing? Stop! You have no chance!" When it was too cold to stay at home, he went to warm himself to the public library, flipping through magazines and reading books there. Then the idea flashed upon him and he said to himself: "I will write a script and it will help me to achieve a leading role. My dream of becoming an actor will come true!"
He began writing one script after another, but nobody took them, failure followed by failure. When it was really bad and nothing to eat, Stallone had to say goodbye to the only friend - his dog. When he sold it, he told to the buyer: "I will find you for sure. I do not sell any friends, I do not sell my dog - I just have nothing to feed it. When I have money, I will find you, and redeem the dog. " However, there were no means and no chances. Full deadlock, loneliness and poverty.
Then one day, when he watched the fight of Muhammad Ali on TV, an idea stuck him! He felt an inspiration, a tremor in his body, he was very excited. Stallone took a pen and paper and wrote the movie script for "Rocky." Inspired by his work, he stated endlessly haunting producers and directors again. But no one wanted to take his script. They refused to even pay attention to it. This went on for several weeks, until two young producers reviewed the script. They told him: "Well done, man.
This is a good script. Here is 15 thousand dollars. We buy it and be happy!" And they got the unexpected answer: "No! I am not going to give you the script for nothing! I have to play the lead role myself." They were amazed at his audacity and sent Sylvester Stallone on his way. But after a while, they called him again and offered 100 thousand dollars. He refused again. Then the producers told him: "Look at yourself. You are small and unattractive looking, you have no talent, and you are an amateur. What the hell the leading role you want to play.
Take money! We will hire a good actor and earn even more and give you a percentage of the box office." Being in great distress, in the most dreadful poverty, Sylvester Stallone replied: "No! I disagree. I have to play the leading role!" After a while, they had a conversation again: "250 thousand dollars and a very good, profitable percentage of the box office - and all your problems will evaporate. Why do you need the leading role? Why do you miss, perhaps, your only chance in life?" "No! - Stallone said.
I will sign the documents only if I play the leading role." Since the producers really liked the script, they agreed. But, of course, they gave Sylvester only 15 thousand dollars and a percentage of the box office. When he got the first money, he was happy and rushed to search for the dog.
When he found the buyer, Stallone asked him to sell his friend back. But the cunning man heard about the success of the future star and replied: "No. I am not selling." He agreed to sell the dog back for 15 thousand dollars (the whole fee Stallone has got), although, he bought it just for 50 dollars.
Today Sylvester Stallone is a cult actor. His scripts, movies and his roles have become classics of world cinema. He made his dream come true, he achieved his goal.