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Seeing the Invisible: How Philosophy has Helped me Build Real Innovation | Mario Ubiali

Writer: Bespoke DiariesBespoke Diaries

In June of 1999, at a kitchen table in a remote country village in Northern Italy, an 18-year-old named Mario faced his parents. Such conversations were rare and typically followed dinner when major decisions needed to be made. Mario had just graduated brilliantly from a challenging five-year high school program, following in the footsteps of his older brother, and had recently embarked on the path of studying molecular biology at the university.

His father, the owner of a medium-sized, traditional, and highly profitable metal finishing company, had been part of the family business since his own high school graduation, with the expectation that Mario would become the third generation directly involved in running the factory. Mario, a young man known for his nerdy, dreamy disposition, was often unsuccessful with girls, an avid reader, and a film enthusiast.

He had been the shortest in his class since his elementary school days, but he possessed a strangely driven character, willing to engage in physical work without complaint, quick to acquire practical skills, and adventurous.

On that particular day, faced with his apparent dualism, Mario's parents decided to discuss his future. They asked him about his plans for his university major.

“You should be a mechanical engineer,” his father suggested. “Come to the factory and learn to manage it.”

Mario's heart sank. He had strongly disliked math and physics in high school, and he had no particular affinity for the metal industry. His mother gave him a supportive look, encouraging him to speak.

“I’d rather not,” Mario replied. This response likely left a small crack in his father's heart.

“I would like to study philosophy and become a journalist.”

This declaration may not have been a surprise, as Mario's mother had probably already discussed his inclination towards humanities with his father in private conversations that took place after the family had gone to bed. Their hushed discussions could be heard through the small crack in the bedroom door.

His father looked at him with clear eyes and offered a simple response: “I don’t care what you do, as long as you do it with commitment and to the best of your abilities.” And with that, Mario's fate was sealed. Rarely in his life had a choice been more blessed than the one made on that remote night.

From 2002 to the present day, Mario has been self-employed as the founder and CEO of companies that evolve from mere ideas on paper napkins to successful ventures, demonstrating the full viability and market validation of previously non-existent technologies. In 2014, after 12 years, he sold his first company to a multinational group. From 2016 to the present day, he has been at the helm of a small innovative company that has revolutionized the way neuroscience of food can be scaled up to design human-centric food solutions.

Philosophy had and still has a significant influence on all that he has accomplished. (His mistakes, on the contrary, are solely his own.) Before delving into an eulogy, it is relevant to provide a definition of this overlooked term.

According to Wikipedia, philosophy means “love of wisdom,” but there is a deeper and more nuanced meaning to it. The first part of the word, "philo," is connected to "affinity" and "natural connection" to something or someone, rather than "love" in the conventional sense. "Sophia," the Greek part of the word, describes wisdom in a deeper sense, associated with knowledge of the past and future, and the ability to make moral decisions.

Thus, a more fitting definition of philosophy might be a natural inclination and desire to build knowledge as a source of wisdom for better navigation of life. This aligns with what any normal human being would prioritize in life. However, there's a striking fact to ponder. In a world where the ability to build knowledge and wisdom should determine happiness, success, serenity, and a sense of purpose, it's perplexing that the global system doesn't encourage this fundamental ability.

In essence, the world is telling you to focus on specific knowledge areas like coding, AI, or finance. Yet, there's little encouragement to explore profound questions or seek tools to develop wisdom. Have you ever read “Letter on Humanism” by Heidegger? A bit of St. Augustine’s “Confessions”? Kant, perhaps?

There are several reasons why contemporary society and dominant Western cultures have progressively lost interest in philosophy, a topic Mario may explore in a future seven-volume series when he's old and unemployed. However, the focus today is not on the decline of philosophy; it's about promoting the idea that philosophy is an underrated discipline in terms of its perceived usefulness. It's the one discipline that will emerge from the chaos of fleeting trends in the next ten years. Philosophy can help individuals thrive, potentially save humanity and the planet.

Mario has decided to outline three common arguments used to dismiss philosophy and offer counterarguments to encourage reflection.

Common argument one: Philosophy is for people with no practical interests, and it's pure speculation.

Counterargument: Philosophy is wrongly placed on the same level as other disciplines. It is not merely "a theory of everything" but rather a fundamental ability that underpins all other disciplines and real-life situations. It is the art of thinking.

Common argument two: Philosophy can be practiced by anyone with an opinion, requiring no specific preparation.

Counterargument: Philosophy follows rigorous rules and demands constant practice and training. It is a structured discipline that has developed over thousands of years, with a vast accumulation of arguments, semantics, languages, sub-disciplines, and tools. Philosophy is a treasure trove open to all who are willing to explore it.

Common argument three: Philosophy is dead and irrelevant.

Counterargument: Philosophy's ability to think systematically is the foundation of politics, advanced AI systems, economics, deep science, and more. It is essential in contemporary society, despite its components being dispersed and embedded in other areas. Recognized figures in various fields often draw from centuries of philosophical tradition, even if they don't explicitly acknowledge it.

In conclusion, recognizing that philosophy is not irrelevant should inspire individuals to study and embrace it. This study will enable them to develop their own ability to think rigorously and critically, ultimately leading to independent analysis of the complexities of the world and the formation of informed opinions. While philosophy may not be easy, it transcends the noise of quick, shallow truths and provides a path to deeper understanding and meaning in life.


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