Not "What do I get?" but "Who do I become?"
Financial independence is an important part of personal development. You must learn to rely on your own resources. Jim Rohn says: "If you depend on your company to take care of your retirement, your future income will be divided by five. Take care of it yourself, and you can multiply your future income by five."
When it comes to receiving money, the condition is the same: self-development throughout life.
Working for a living, you need to control your actions constantly asking the question "Who do I become?" instead of the question "What do I get?" Personal growth and income are interrelated. Changes in yourself have a direct impact on what you get.
The level of income is proportional to the level of personal development
The income level rarely exceeds the level of personal development. Sometimes income suddenly increases, but if you do not learn to cope with new responsibilities, it quickly decreases to the previous level.
If someone gives you a million dollars, you should try to become a true millionaire. One smart and wealthy man once said: " If we divided all the money in the world equally, in a short time the rich would be rich again, and the poor would be poor."
It is not easy to keep something that has not been obtained through personal development.
Obviously, you should focus on how to change and become better. If you stay where you are, you will always have the same situation as now.
Warren Buffett's Rules
Remember the six golden rules from Warren Buffett, which will help you to control your relationship with money:
1) avoid using credit cards;
2) invest only in yourself, remember that money did not create a human being, a human being is the one who created money;
3) live as easy as possible;
4) do not follow the advice of others; just listen to them and act the way, which is right in your opinion, even if it goes against everything that you were recommended;
5) do not chase brands, wear comfortable clothes;
6) manage your life yourself because it is only yours!
If you are just planning to correct the situation with your money, I recommend you to start with a simple rule: open a bank account and put 10% of your income in it. It is important to do it consistently. Your goal is not to save, but to keep your inner peace thanks to the money "safety cushion".
In general, your emergency fund should help you to live without income for at least 3 months.