It was more than 30 years ago that I left corporate life to make my own way in the world. At times I’ve wondered if I should return to employment, but there have almost always been satisfying projects on the go to reassure me that I can make more of a difference in the world while working for myself. There are successful organisations around today, that would not exist had I not prompted their formation.
This morning I woke to the realisation that had I still been employed, today would have been my last day at work. There would no doubt have been a party, speeches and a retirement gift to remind me of the familiar way of life I was leaving behind. My 66th birthday is now days away, I have a new ‘older persons’ bus pass in my wallet, and both personal and state pensions will be funding me from next month.
Someone wise once said to me that when we reach retirement age, and income is no longer important, we owe it to younger people to get out of the way and leave the opportunities to them. In many ways he was right, but what I am realising is that I now have the freedom to spend all my time researching and writing the books I want to write; books that will help people see the world differently.
Other creative opportunities are already appearing, linked to the theme of my next book, which explores how rural life is slowly turning full circle, with a return to community-owned shops, local production and greater self-sufficiency. This is both good for the environment and our mental health, as we are happiest when we feel we belong. There will be no party this afternoon, but Monday morning will see me start the next chapter of my life.