My life started away before I was born. I think it started the first year my father went to his university When he decided to name his first son, Ammar, and then he decided to study mathematics, which is passed to my genes.
You know this kid who grew up in the family house with grandparents considering him the king of this kingdom, the one who was responsible for the dairy and grocery shopping when he was only six years old.
The one who grew up knowing the exact meaning of being responsible. I was that kid, I grew up with too many adults around, a math teacher super dad who can do many things, a poet uncle, a businessman grandpa, and many more.
My father raised me the way my grandpa raised him to be a real man, He took me to his meeting with adults to listen carefully and see how they were talking to each other’s, I noticed everything I have seen and applied what I liked more in my life as soon as I got the chance.
I hated literary subjects and loved Scientific once which was bad because I was following the local curriculum, and that affected my results and pushed me to the university I didn’t like in the first place, but I found it interesting when I discovered that the agriculture science faculty teaching social sciences, I also had the opportunity to be part of the poetry team in the Cultural Committee, and I participated in many scout and leader training camps, I graduated from the section of Rural Development on 2011, to start my career, wait wait wait, I forgot something, in Egypt, we have mandatory military service which takes almost a year and a half I finished it with good example grade.
While studying I worked in different fields from cleaning, data entry, reception, direct sales, etc.
After graduation I got a job as A quality engineer in one of the biggest companies in the region but didn’t forget my dream to become a public speaker so I worked so hard, saved the needed money to study, and eventually I did it, I finished my professional diploma in TOT with an excellent degree, then my courses in the field of business administration, labor market and human development, and suddenly everything happened so fast, my father passed away, I got two offers the first one was to work as a team leader in the insurance company and the other one was to move to Dubai as an Arabic speaker assistant manager, and that was a defining moment, I accepted the first one to save money for the second one, and in 2015 it was my new begging in Dubai.
Here in Dubai which no limits to your dreams, aspirations, and hopes, just work smart and it will pay off.
From the direct sales industry, hospitality, and customer service to the media and pay-tv satellite broadcasting customers retention, and back to the training, coaching, mentoring, and business development.
In 2020 after one year of the crisis of Covid started, I decided to do something else, I went back to Egypt to study for my master's degree, there were steps I have to go through first, I did study three postgraduate diplomas in education, counseling, clinical psychology and mental health.
While this period I assembled a team of experienced people in the field of mental health I named it (Mental Disorders Fighters) I hope to fight all the reasons of mental disorders in the region may be in the world, I hope this team becomes the first place anyone feeling bad to turn to, ask for help, ask for support, I hope this team to change people’s life.
And now I’m back in Dubai with new experiences, new certificates, a new team, and a new version of me.
Just remember:
It’s never too late to start over.
Better late than never, but never late is better.
The steps you take don’t need to be big, they just need to take you in the right direction.
That’s how my father raised me.