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The 7 secrets behind making a career online | Steven Dossou

Writer: Bespoke DiariesBespoke Diaries

The world has turned into a global village and working online has definitely become a necessity. Online career is not just convenient but it also helps you save on the budget spent on commuting and boarding. Also, an online business can help you turn your dreams into reality in no time. Here are few ways you can make an online career;

Identify your Skill

It is important to figure out the niche in which you are interested. Something that thrills you and will be able to keep you engaged for a considerable period of time. Think of something that excites you and you can make it a part of your life. Here is a list that can be useful for you;

  • Writing

  • Graphic designing

  • Tutoring

  • Marketing

  • Fashion designing

  • Jewelry designing

  • Interior designing

Create an Outlook

How are people going to know about your skill? You have to show that you have one. Right? How can you do that? By maintaining an updated CV. Another way is to add the skill to your profile. Having a portfolio or a sample is also necessary. The idea is to give an impression that you are passionate about taking a skill as a career.

Demonstration of your Skill

Make sure that you portray the best in yourself. You know that you are good at a skill but when it comes to demonstration, you miss the key points, which leads to a disaster. So what’s the solution? Practice! Practice the demonstration of the skill you want to pursue as a career. Learn to present it in the best way.


The next step is to be able to communicate with others. Whether it be the other sellers like you or the buyers who are looking for the skill that you are presenting. Your interaction should be such that people want to work with you. Like we negotiate with our friends, spouse, teachers, parents, you must negotiate with the buyer to get the best deal that goes to the benefit of both of you.


Remember the days when salesmen traveled from to door in order to advertise their products? That time is long gone. It's the new era where the advertisement is done on an advanced platform like social media. Promote your work on social media. Ask your friends to share your work so that it can reach the buyer who actually needs your work.


By investment, it's not always about money. Whenever you start something new, you need to put extra effort into a head start. If you were working 4 hours a day, you must double the working time for best results. They say that intelligence can fail but hard work can never fail. So always work hard and be optimistic in every walk of life.

Time is money, right? And we all have equal amounts of time. We all have 24hours a day, which means that every person is equally rich in terms of time. Now how you choose to spend that time will determine your fate.

Consider Bob who wakes up at 11, spends an hour on his phone, then an hour on breakfast, and after that another hour on his phone. Then he goes to work at 2 pm. He starts working at 2 pm and continues to work till 8. He has had 6 hours of productivity. He then gets home and spends the next 6 hours in front of the TV. Now, do you understand why he keeps complaining all the time? Do you see how he never has enough? It's because he is wasting his time, which means he is losing money.

On the contrary, consider Sheldon, who wakes up at 6 in the morning. Does a half an hour workout because he knows that health is also wealth. He then has a healthy breakfast and leaves for work. Say he spends 8 hours at work. After lunch, he takes some rest to refresh his mind and starts working again. He does not waste his time on his phone or TV. He gets back home, uses the extra time to build a backup for his job. Then he spends time on something that he likes, it could be tennis, it could be swimming, it could be reading or writing, it could be watching TV. But he turns out to be a multimillionaire. Why? Because he values time.

Be Unique, Be Yourself

Every entrepreneur has their own style. This is how it works. If you try to copy someone, you will lose the true spirit of entrepreneurship. Build your own style. Have confidence in yourself and your skill. There will always be someone who will discourage you because they don’t like your style. But what shall you do? Ignore them right away. Yes! When your destination is far, you cannot afford to get distracted by barking dogs.

It is not necessary that you only work hard. You have to think smartly to override the others in the race. Be innovative, and try to devise ways that make your work easier. For example, you are into social media marketing and your goal is to reach as many people as you can. Now rather than reaching out to people individually, come out with a way that your message can reach them. This can be done by creating groups of people with similar interests. If you dig a little deeper, you can take the help of a few google extensions that might be helpful in this regard.

Once you have put in all your effort, wait for the results patiently. You will see people coming to you because of your hard work and style. Never lose hope because you think that your goal is too far away. Always tell yourself to push harder, dig further and strive more because you never know... you might be just one step away from your goal. Think of all the perks you can have with your online career, keep it as motivation and keep moving.

To wrap it up!

Everything comes at a cost. If you are aiming for an online career, you will have to get yourself together and give your best.


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