A picture clicked last evening... What do you see? Some of us might say darkness creeping over, or someone could say, "Beautiful dusk in the making... what a beautiful sight!"
That's exactly how it is with life, isn't it? This very moment, you could look at a situation you're currently facing and possibly say, "This is the end," that's it! Or you could think, "This ending could probably be the beginning of something bigger, better, higher," as the quote from "
Think and Grow Rich" wonderfully shares — "every failure has the seed of an equivalent success." Here is something to ponder on: if you focus on the problems too much, you will attract and create more problems. Don't believe me? Read on... You focusing on the problem will make you feel pessimistic.
It will lead to almost negligible action, it will then lead to a lot of negative triggers being pressed, possibly you being irritated, stressed, rude to people in your team, caring less for your customers, unresponsive and cold to your family's love, and closed to life's next 'opportunity in the challenge' that is hinting right out at you. That probably will create a non-productive, unhappy day, right? Imagine if you focus too much on the problem too much... Imagine how your week, month, quarter, and six months could be... quite pathetic, right?
Imagine if even in the midst of a challenging situation, if you focused on the good, on the possibilities, on the light at the end of the tunnel... you will then feel a sense of hope. Hope will lead you to still believe that somehow it will work out... that will lead you to today choosing to take action that creates positive results. You will still serve and care for your customers... you will still choose to behave better with your team... guess what? That will reciprocate... people around you will encourage you... you accepting delightful conversation from family will decrease your stress and lead you to being happier... result: you get more good work done... guess what?
That will be a good day at the end of the day... even if you didn't solve the problem... imagine if you consistently focus on possibilities and positively think of finding solutions day in and day out... sooner or later, the solution will arrive... but your week, month, quarter, and six months will be better in the process... focus on the beauty of possibilities, focus on a new beginning even when it seems 'it's the End !