The channeling sessions continued for the next few weeks; At 2:30 AM woke up, went to the computer, wrote what was received, continued his yoga and prayers, and talked with his teachers. Later that day, he would experience what was channelled earlier that morning. In May 2014, he was guided to move to China.
He sold or gave away all his gemstones, crystals, paintings, and other precious collectables. He was guided to write two books on their teachings, free to download. He felt he was being guided to China to write the third book. He finished writing and published the third book, but he also started to teach English, one-on-one in his home to students ages 5 to 14. He is extremely busy now, still channelling the teachings of The Golden Ones and teaching English.
The practical teachings the soul must learn is to remove their fears, ill feelings of self, and ill feelings of others. This 'Prayer to Remove Emotional Parasites' can be accomplished within 15 seconds with 'The Prayer to Remove Emotional Parasites. This prayer will clean your Light Body, and the soul will vibrate at a higher frequency, allowing their dreams and desires to manifest quickly.
The next major teaching is to maintain Perfect Health. The physical Body is an acid/alkaline base. If the acid-to-alkaline ratio favours an acidic environment, the disease can only live in a diseased environment. PH Strips can be used to monitor the acid/alkaline ratio in the Body. If the Body is in a disease state or is experiencing a disease such as cancer, tumours, or any other illness, a solution mixture of squeezed lemon juice and baking soda will immediately begin to reverse the process. If already in a diseased state, several daily drinking will be necessary.
Once your Light Body is clean, and your physical body is free from diseases, the following significant teaching is to keep negative energies and entities from attaching to the soul. Trapped souls will attach to a soul with similar emotional conditions as they had.
They will attach to these souls with similar emotional habits, so they can attempt to experience the life they previously lived, and they will influence the soul they attach to experience the emotions they previously lived even though the soul is attached to has outgrown or overcome those ill-advised emotional patterns. If a soul feels someone is standing behind them or expecting to see someone in the mirror with them, they have an attachment. Now the Best gift you can give an attached soul is saying ‘The Prayer of Protection.’ This 'Prayer of Protection' will open a gateway for the trapped soul to move to the next level of soul development.
We are in 'The Golden Age', starting on 22 December 2012. All the corruption on this planet will be removed, eventually. All souls now are vibrating in the 5th Dimension Consciousness of Love, Peace, Harmony, Balance, and Unity for the good of ALL and the Oneness of Creation. There is no need to experience the birth-death-rebirth cycle if the soul is consciously aware of embracing its purpose here in Earth's Spiritual Training School and training to become a Co-Creator God.
All that is required is for the soul to learn wisdom, take responsibility for its thoughts and actions, and accept others as they are. 'The Ascension Master Program' is a 28-day program to assist the soul in disciplining their thoughts and feelings. This program, once mastered, will allow the soul to communicate with the Universal Mind, both receiving and asking for assistance.
The teachings of The Golden Ones were previously on this planet over 10,000 years ago. However, as our Solar System orbited the Milky Way Galactic Center, the Milky Way Galaxy travelling through space entered a 3rd Dimension of reality, and the vibration of Earth was too dense for The Golden Ones to remain. ‘The Golden Ones’ returned to Earth after our Solar System began vibrating at the 5th Dimension Frequency. He was fortunate to be selected to receive the teachings of The Golden Ones and now it’s my responsibility to share those teachings with souls who are interested in their spiritual development.
There is so much for a soul to learn regarding Tantra, Goddess/God Relationships, Conscious, Subconscious, and Universal Mind in the writings and videos on the website. Some souls will be interested, and others will not. So, we will not discuss them here. As a service, I do a free consultation to assist souls on their path. The contact information is on the website: www.ThePathToOneness.com