Let me first establish my credentials as a student of the Co-Creator Gods, who are the administrators of Earth’s Spiritual Training School. All souls born to Earth are in training to become Co-Creator Gods. All souls who come to Earth must qualify to train based on their previous achievements from their Star System and their desire to serve God. All the teachings I receive from The Golden Ones is based on life experiences. It is the guidance from The Golden Ones to freely share their teachings to all souls for their spiritual development.
I must experience everything they teach me to verify the authenticity and truth of what they share with me, and I share on the website: www.ThePathToOneness.com. All videos, writings, meditations, prayers, and spiritual techniques on the website are free to download. I am certified as an Ordained Metaphysical Minister, Reiki Master, and Certified Kundalini Yoga Instructor; I taught spiritual guided meditations for over 20 years, experienced and Out-Of- Body during my meditation when raising the Kundalini Energy. I Experience Astral Travel to a place called “Where the Sun Shines Before the Dawn.”
I visited Peru five times, once a year, to drink Ayahuasca. I received visitations from a spiritual being in meditation, radiating in golden attire from head to toe, where he presented me with a necklace. I was also visited in a sleep state by three 12-foot monks who taught me about ‘Thoughts’. I was awakened in a sleep state by ‘The Lords of Amenti’, telling me chemotherapy was harmful for the body. Chemotherapy kills the cells, which the cells need to transition to an alkaline environment. A quick procedure is a mixture of squeezed lemon juice and baking soda which will raise the alkalinity of the cells in the body.
The Angel of Death visited me during my meditation, where the angel guided me on how to treat a Loved One to prevent her death. Thoth visited me as he explained the meaning of his writings in the book, “Emerald Tablets.” I was also visited by the Arcturians, 7th Dimension beings, explaining how Fears are parasitic organisms that will interfere with the soul’s thinking. The Golden Ones channeled many teachings on the how to use the Conscious Mind to create, functionality of the Conscious Mind, Subconscious Mind, and Universal Mind. Also, during my first vision while drinking the Ayahuasca, it was illustrated the spiritual aspect of a sexual loving connection between a male and female.
I was raised Catholic in my youth and found myself devoted to God. I trained to be an altar boy and visited my local church whenever I could take a few minutes to pray. I always received what I prayed for, good grades in school, guidance in my thinking, good health, and success at finding work during school but never prayed for any personal pleasures. I prayed daily, always talking to someone in my mind and receiving guidance. I attended the seminary in high school, a school for young students to become priests, but was disappointed in how the priest in charge treated the students. In retrospect, my life was always orchestrated to guide me to develop Metaphysical practices as an interest to satisfy my spiritual nature.
My first conscious interaction encounter with Spirit was when I begin meditation in 1972. I was gifted with a psychic reading from a female metaphysical Minister. She was highly accurate and encouraged me to start to meditate. Immediately, I began to meditate on that evening. During my meditation, not knowing, I was being guided in how to become aware of my thoughts and sensations in the body, as if I had a teacher in my mind guiding me.
I was given the ‘Prayer of Protection’ from my Metaphysical Minister to ease my mind during meditation, allowing me to be relaxed if anything was to happen to me. I would know that whatever I experienced, it was divine. After a few meditation sessions, I started to receive sensations in my body. My Chakras were being opened one by one. I saw beautiful colors and numbers, feeling sensual sensations and pulsations in my genitals and solar plexus. After a month of meditating, I experienced raising the Kundalini Energy from my Root Chakra and had the out-of-body experience. At the time, I didn’t know anything about chakras or Kundalini. All I knew is I had a deep desire to serve God and to be the best servant on the planet for God.
I continued my meditation twice a day, morning and evening. I also started taking classes to become a Metaphysical Ordain Minister. While taking a four-year course, my spiritual teachers taught me a technique to discipline my thinking, and in doing so, I learned to attune to the God Frequency in the brain, which allows me always to listen and speak to my teachers. Everyone has this capability, it just takes practice, awareness, and discipline. It is a 28-day program called the ‘Ascension Master Program.’ The technique is free on the website to download with detailed guidance. This Spiritual technique must be started on the day of the New Moon.
This ‘Ascension Master Program’ allows the soul to be always attune to the ‘God Frequency’ in the brain where the soul is always listening and speaking to their Higher-Self with their thoughts or words. Universal Mind is always in contact with the soul, orchestrating the soul’s life experiences, whether to have karma or a wisdom learning experience. As I continued my daily routine of meditation, prayer, conducting meditation classes, going through the Reiki Master process, I was still being taught in life experiences regarding the soul’s spiritual development.
In 1989 while taking my daily morning meditation walk at 3 A.M. on my dark country roads, I felt the presence of someone standing directly behind me. Now I knew there was no one behind me but the presence of someone standing behind me was so strong, I had to turn around and look. Of course, no one was there. The next day my wife told me our youngest son believed that when it goes into the bathroom, he expects to see someone in the mirror standing behind him. Now, I never believed in soul attachment until now.
I gathered my wife and son up in our meditation room and informed my son that I was going to say a prayer and let me know what he felt. I never believed in soul attachment, and I wasn’t sure I knew how to help my son. I was guided to say, z‘The Prayer of Protection.’ This prayer is also on the website. As I said the short prayer, I asked my son what he felt. Immediately, he said ‘it’s gone.’ I asked him to explain, and he said that as I was saying the prayer, he could feel the energy of the soul attachment spiraling up and out of his body. ‘The Prayer of Protection’ is a tool to be used to assist souls trapped on Earth.
There are no ghosts, just trapped souls. At the time of death, the soul has three days to move to the next level of soul development. Having free will, the soul does not have to go forward. Some souls are attached to their loved ones and do not want to leave. After three days, the window to move forward is closed and the soul is trapped here on Earth until someone releases them with ‘The Prayer of Protection’ or another means. I am sure there are other rituals to assist a soul to move forward on their spiritual path, but ‘The Prayer of Protection’ is the quickest, 15 seconds to recite. I use this pray in my home to clear any unwanted energies or entities as I have many visitors come to my home and I never know what is left behind. Living in China, the grandparents take care of the little ones for life and at the time of death, these souls are reluctant to go forward.
In November of 1999, my teachers recommend that I take a trip and visit with shamans. Fifteen minutes late I schedule a trip to Peru to visit the shamans for a ten-day retreat. What I didn’t know was that the ten-day retreat was designed to treat the Shaman’s Drink Ayahuasca. The drinking of the Ayahuasca is a ceremonial ritual where you drink the Ayahuasca and spend the next five to six hours in a healing cleansing of all your past lives and removing blockages of obstacles in your spiritual path. When I flew to Peru and the next day, flew to Iquitos, and then a 20-mile boat ride to the Jungle of Peru where there was no electricity and no running water. When we arrived at the powerless site, the other 15 members asked the Shaman when we were going to drink. I am sure my spiritual teachers were laughing when I found out I was drinking the Ayahuasca. I returned once a year at the same time, around Christmas, to complete my learning experience through the visions I received under the influence of the Ayahuasca.