Belonging to a city that is not visible on map, yet famous because it’s near Varanasi has always
been a problem for me for not being recognized by work. I'm a teen changemaker who founded
The Animal Patronage when I was a tenth-grade student at Kids Kingdom senior secondary
school, Uttar Pradesh. Now, at 17, I'm gearing up to write my twelfth-grade exams and carving
out my own path as an entrepreneur, like Steve Jobs and Ratan Tata, my two big inspirations.
I won the Global Kids Achievers’ Award 2022 and was named a Harvard Innovation Fellow that
same year. In the summer of 2022, I gave my first Tedx in Chennai IT. My work has been
recognised by President George W Bush foundation Points of Light Inspirational Honor Roll
It’s been eight years that I have been working for animals with my mother in my locality. The
pandemic cut us off from the rest of the world and put us into our homes. It was during this time
that I started my organization for animals, to spread awareness through social media. My
organization The Animal Patronage is a youth-led Organisation which works for animal welfare.
The Organisation focuses on becoming the voice of the animals to fight for their rights and
protect them from human cruelties and being extinct.It is a global nonprofit organization based
in India that aims to educate, inspire, and empower youth to work for those speechless who
can’t speak for their rights and to make a difference in society.
We started in 2021, since then, we hosted The Animal Patronage Podcast for and by students.
Besides our frequent pop-ups that aim to empower young youth through providing inspiration
and ways to work for the Environment, we also bring awareness posters and digital literacy
workshops to marginalized communities with little-to-no access to animal welfare.
I used the internet as my biggest tool and started looking up for #animalwelfare, which brought
my down with the fact there are wonderful people out there making an impact but are hardly
acknowledged and young youths like me who want to join this field lack support, resources and
mentors, soon after I started interviewing changemakers in the SDG and environment field and
published them and that’s when “The Animal Patronage” started initially – as a podcast and
soon grew into a non-profit organization with 18+ collaboration with different organizations and
one prominent with Crimson Youth Entrepreneurship society by Harvard University.
I never thought of being an entrepreneur though. Moreover, it is not my preferred career either.
But donning the role of a Social Entrepreneur, I want to help these speechless beings who can’t
stand up for their rights. My journey as a social entrepreneur has been more than a half year.
Through this time, I met more than thousands of people and learned about their journeys: also
did many Workshops and events and went on to spread awareness about how to prevent
animals from human cruelties and extinction.
While I admittedly have no idea where I will be in 5 or 10 years from now, I do know what I want
to be doing for the rest of my life. It feels like a bold statement to be saying that at 17, but I truly
feel that I mean it. While I can’t draw out a roadmap or detail the concrete milestones that I want
to reach, I know what future I want to work towards: one where every single youth, regardless of
gender and socioeconomic status, can use social work to make a difference in society. It sounds
like a far-away goal to many – maybe a dream even — but with the work my team and I do
every day, I feel like that future gets closer every day to being a reality.
I envision a world in which it doesn’t matter what background you come from or what you look
like & everyone is treated equally, I imagine people working together, sitting across from each
other and there is a diverse set of skills, a diverse set of backgrounds. People from all different
socioeconomic levels, people of different sexualities, people of different ethnic backgrounds all
come together to solve the problem that our society faces.
I hope that the work that we’re doing for The Animal Patronage ensures that the next
generations face less of a hurdle due to the environmental issues regardless of the places they
live to be tied to. With that said, I know we have no rights to kill those speechless, they’re the
one who came before us. Our past generation made many mistakes that damaged the
environment but we still have time to stop those mistakes and start preserving our planet for our upcoming generations.
I’ve faced a fair amount of challenges in social entrepreneurship, specifically. The biggest
challenge I faced was other people’s opinions of doing these things at a young age. They often
told me not to do this kind of thing but instead focus more on academics. I’ve touched upon
sexism a bit in the sense that there are a lot of stereotypes about girls in social work, but also in
India, there is the understanding that if you go into social work, you are not in an academic
Social Entrepreneurship still isn’t a very popular field; it’s not as normalized in the older Indian
community. With ageism, on to other hand, I’d face it when I’d go into conferences or meeting
rooms and I’d be the youngest person there by 10-20 years. I faced it when people joke, “Oh
shouldn’t you be in school right now?”, I faced it when people turned down partnership
proposals because they didn’t want to work with youth groups. Very early on, as a tenth grader, I
had to develop a thick skin and choose to—in a very Taylor Swift fashion—shake it off.
I’d keep going to events and create opportunities to be heard by asking insightful questions during talks and not be afraid to approach strangers to elevator pitch The Animal Patronage. I brushed off every rejection while every successful connection I made led to opportunities.
All of those struggles strung at first, but I think they made me, as cheesy as it sounds, a
stronger person because I’ve been able to weather these rejections, especially since they are
inevitable in the nonprofit space or in any type of founder journey.
“My interests? Oh, photography, drawing, painting, reading and writing, entrepreneurship, I have
my own Podcast.” I can rattle a long list of hobbies without pause. Evidently, I like to explore
new things, from “basketball to badminton, I have tried it all.” My desire for discovery is constant,
even if I don't always excel at everything I do. It’s all part of the journey of self-awareness – in
My mind, understanding the self is the most important part of all.