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The Keys To Achieving Excellence

Writer: Bespoke DiariesBespoke Diaries

It is possible to build any given skill and capacity in the same systemic way we do with building muscle. As we do when we want to grow muscle, we must learn to push past our comfort zone and then rest and do it consistently because we are what we repeatedly do.

It is not inherited talent alone that determines how good we become at something. Talent helps but how hard we are willing to work and deliberate practice will make the difference. It is essential that we understand that we have a remarkable capacity to influence our own outcomes.

We all have unlimited potential but until we tap into it, work hard to unleash that potential, and dedicate time to practice regularly, we are going to stay average. Practice is not only the most important ingredient in achieving excellence but also the most difficult and the least intrinsically enjoyable. If we can push ourselves beyond our comfort zone, we are going to attain excellence.

If we want to be good at something and excel at it, it is going to involve relentless effort and pushing past being uncomfortable, along with frustration, struggle, challenges, setback, and failures. It will be required that we work very hard in a deliberate, purposeful manner and It will take focus and motivation. I recommend that you do the following Six things to achieve excellence:

1. Pursue what you love

Your passion gives you the determination to keep working hard and makes what you are doing fun since it is something you are invested in. Passion is what gives your life meaning. It makes you more motivated and better equipped to deliver the best results and be more productive. You will be less tempted to give up.

2. Do the hardest work first

Doing the hardest task first means you are more likely to complete it. Willpower has a ceiling and does not last. Getting the hardest task out of the way allows you to coast and creates a positive mood, which increases productivity. Take on the difficult work of practice when you have the most energy and the fewest distraction.

If you want to be seen as someone productive, who delivers on their goals and promises and is successful, then you will need to embrace the hard stuff. Essentially, what that means is that by doing the hard stuff you become someone “valuable.” In a career or entrepreneurial setting, more value is achieved when you can produce work that is over and above the ordinary or average. You want to stand out from the ordinary and do the hard stuff first.

3. Practice Intensely

Practice intensity is the will, commitment, and enthusiasm to practice with a purpose and achieve excellence. To become your best, you must make practice intensity a habit. Pushing your limits every single practice will enable you to improve your skills and develop into a consistent peak performer delivering excellence. Attaining excellence overnight just isn’t going to happen. You are going to have to put a lot of work and dedication into becoming an expert at anything.

4. Seek expert feedback

To excel in our lives and careers, we need clarity. Clarity is not just about where we are going but also about who we are. We need to be able to see ourselves. We must become aware of what we do well, areas we can improve in, and how people perceive us. Feedback from others can be the gift of sight. Feedback is one of the fastest ways to focus our efforts, correct our course, and achieve our goals. Receiving feedback and putting it into action is especially important in order to improve and grow. You cannot rely every day on yourself. You need accountability and immediate feedback.

You can learn a lot by yourself nowadays. But if you do not get the point of view of an expert third party, you are not availing yourself of your learning to its fullest. Be it a coach, a mentor, an online class, or a workshop, you need others to grow.

It is important to work hard but also to rest hard when wanting to attain excellence. Breaks are essential to morale. Studies have shown that breaks lead to higher productivity, greater job satisfaction, more balanced emotional health, and a stronger desire to go above and beyond. Relaxing after intense effort provides an opportunity to rejuvenate but also metabolize and embed learning. Taking breaks can be a great boost to our productivity and creativity as we look to achieve excellence.

6. Ritualise practice

Build specific inviolable times at which you do things. Having a routine is how you build habits. Good routines are well-planned, regular, and predictable. It's really important to have a routine in order to maximize our productivity and develop a strong routine that we can carry out effortlessly with time.

Whatever our circumstances, it is essential to remind ourselves that we have what it takes to succeed and achieve excellence. We all have unlimited potential but we need to be intentional and strategic on how we use this potential if we want to achieve excellence in anything. If you apply the six things I proposed in this article, you’ll start seeing yourself soar to excellence.


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