When you set out achieve to some goal to improve your personal or professional life.
Sometimes you are thrown against the test of time. You hit a roadblock or an obstacle, which is very tough to crack.
You easily want to give up your goal and run back to your old ways, your old habits and addictions, basically your comfort zone.
You question your goal and yourself.
In these times I want you to remember that you would never set out on this goal if you were happy with your status quo. So remember why you started and how would you feel if you achieved this.
The obstacles thrown your way, the inner discomfort, the outward pain is not to be avoided. Infact, the obstacle is the way, the faster you embrace the misery the easier it is to transition to a stronger place.
If it were easy, everyone would do it, but you have to endure the pain of the discipline so you don’t endure pain of regret, so do not give up on your belief in a better life just because you have to endure some pain.
Its easier said than done, talking is very easy – going through the daily fights is not. But it is not the critics that count( the outer people or the inner critic) that stand on the sidelines, it’s the warrior on battlefield that knows the difficulties and still choses to be there.
Be there a little longer. Don’t give up on your dream yet. Give another fight. Get up another time.
The sunrays are closer than you think. The end of the tunnel is right around the corner. Then the victory is yours to bask in.
Just don’t give up yet. Just don’t give in to your old habits yet.