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The Power of Confidence: How Owning Your Uniqueness Can Boost Your Self Assurance | Sachin Sandhir

Writer: Bespoke DiariesBespoke Diaries

The Weeknd’s music got called “wack” (which means odd or irrational) by public favourite, Justin Bieber back in 2017. That didn’t stop him. He went on to create the number-one Billboard Hot 100 song of all time, Blinding Lights, in 2019.

The Oxford Dictionary defines confidence as “feeling sure about your own ability to do things and be successful.”

A lot of people lack a sense of pride in their unique abilities because they have been criticised in the past, or because they might have failed (or simply felt like they failed) at a specific thing in the past. However, consider this: There are different types of skills, different types of intelligence, and a market for everything. Einstein couldn’t have painted the Mona Lisa. Leonardo Da Vinci couldn’t have come up with the Theory of Relativity. But both went down in history for the unique value they brought to the table.

Why Should You Care About Your Confidence Levels?

How you feel about yourself impacts your decision-making and risk-taking abilities. Let’s imagine a scenario around two accountants, Nilesh, who is under-confident, and Ramesh, who is sufficiently confident.

Nilesh and Ramesh discover that their supervisor is moving on to another job. Which one of them is likely to go in and ask if he can be considered for the soon-to-be-vacant post?

Ramesh has a higher likelihood of success. Simply because he will try. And he will try because he believes in himself.

Your uniqueness is your strength

There are 16 different personality types. And all of them aren’t going to be successful at everything.

Every individual is geared with a unique set of skills and abilities. These are impacted by your genes, your environment, and of course, the sharpening of inherent skills. Here is why embracing your uniqueness is crucial to your self-assurance and overall well being:

Authenticity reduces the pressure to people-please

When you acknowledge your unique traits, you will automatically be able to separate your own opinion from that of those around you. Your dependence on external validation automatically reduces, and this helps boost your confidence because you’re only trying to please one person. Yourself.

Uniqueness is a business necessity

Unique perspectives bring new ideas and innovative solutions to various sectors. There are already different types of people out there. When you take pride in your uniqueness, you start expressing your opinion more freely. When you express your unique point of view, tastes and ideas, you help your employer (or your own business) cater to different market segments. You might see or help them see something they might not otherwise have noted.

Authenticity helps you build real connections

Embracing your authenticity means showing up as your truest self irrespective of whether that self is going to be popular or not. This means that you will attract social and business connections that appreciate you for you. These authentic relationships enhance a sense of belonging and boost confidence.

Authenticity helps you attain personal fulfillment

People who appreciate their uniqueness align their lives with their true desires and passions. This alignment leads to a deep sense of fulfillment and happiness. When you are fulfilled and happy, it's easier to feel positive and confident.

Not sure what your unique traits and skills are? Sit down with a diary and make a note of everything you’re good at. You’d be surprised. You can also put science to work and utilise tools like genetic testing to get an inside look at what your inherent strengths are.

Three Simple Strategies to Boost Confidence

Building confidence isn’t a one-and-done. Like good health, self-confidence needs consistent effort and will come under constant attack. Here are some ways to build and sustain high confidence levels.

Silence negative self-talk: You can’t control what the world says to you and about you. But the least you can do is be kind to yourself. Learn to realise when your critical inner voice is guiding your actions, and develop the muscle to silence this voice. It isn’t going to be easy, but take it step by step. First, try to recognize the voice. Next, start to ignore it. Speak over it with positive affirmations. Remind yourself of your abilities and achievements, and believe in your potential to succeed. Pro tip: Keep an ever-growing list of your achievements, abilities (both common and unique), and strengths handy for moments when the negative talk is hard to counter.

Surround yourself with positive influences: The people you surround yourself with can significantly impact your confidence. Surround yourself with positive, supportive people who believe in you and encourage you to pursue your goals. The tough-love technique is old and dead, and often an excuse to treat people badly. Have a zero-tolerance policy for people who drag you down in the name of promoting your best interests. You are more likely to thrive with kindness and support.

Practice self-care:

Taking care of your physical, emotional, and mental well-being is crucial to building and maintaining your confidence. Engage in activities you enjoy, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques. If you think that low confidence is linked to deeper problems, consider seeking help from a professional. A therapist or coach can provide strategies and techniques to boost your confidence and self-esteem. They can also help you recognize and heal if your low self-esteem is rooted in some sort of unresolved childhood wounds.

The bottom line

There’s an often-quoted study about “lucky” versus “unlucky” people which found that the so-called lucky folks had some personality traits in common. These people jumped at opportunities, believed in their own intuition (or in other words, their own, unique world view), and displayed resilience and optimism. In a nutshell, they were confident. Developing confidence in your own unique abilities is the first step towards success in your career and your life. Invest time and effort into recognizing your abilities and building your confidence.


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