The continual outcry about bad Leadership, prompted me to look deeply into what is missing in today’s Leadership style and why is it so widely critiqued and frowned upon. Surely there are bad Leaders out in the business world, driving results by fear, creating an energy of negativity and un-productivity followed by the not so loyal employees need and lack instead of passion and performance.
It is clear when taking the above statement into consideration that if the Head is arrogant, negative and out of alignment with the Company Vision, Mission and Values the it will filter down and affect the whole Organisation.
How do we solve this? (Step 1)
It starts with the lack of understanding that a Company has an energy of its own and is an entity on its own. A Company is not the Leader, CEO or Director. They are separate and working/serving the Company. Then follow the Leadership Team and then the Employees. The Company is the Name and the perception /brand of the Business while the CEO, Director or Owner is the Visionary of this Company and employs the Leadership Team and the Staff to successfully use their skills, attitude and motivation to achieve the said Goals which will lead to the Vision.
For example, Google is the Business, following the Director, of Sundar Pichai and then the Leadership Team reporting to him and then the staff, but they are all in pursuit of the same Vision, Mission and Value system.
Now, that this is clear it is important to understand that all of the energy of the Company, CEO, Director or Owner, Leadership Team and then employees should be aligned and the more they are aligned the higher the energy of the Company and the higher the energy of the Company the more positive and successful it will be.
The statement that we attract what we believe we are, is equally important for a Company and its staff. So, if your Company would like to be UNIQUE and sustain Success in the long term, align all of the above parties with the Company Vision, Mission and Values which will create a Company Culture of high values, striving for a Collective Vision while nurturing and develop staff to take the Company to the next level.