Nehal Joshi - A Class 12 student who made successful research in Health and Biomedical Sciences. What is Nehal's journey in the field of innovation? From, 2021 Nehal starts innovating new concepts in human sciences. Nehal's first Innovation is on the disease Pneumonia. Nehal developed a device 'Pneumo Free Mask System' which gives full protection against Pneumonia.
It consists of features like Bacterial protection, Oxygen ventilation, and a lung cleaner mechanism that clears or prevents all initial symptoms of Pneumonia. It was also useful for managing post-Pneumonia symptoms which are irritating to patients. It is mainly made for under 5 years old children and 65+ age people who have a high risk of Pneumonia. For 24 hours support and for energy conservation it is solar powered. Pneumo Free Mask System is Prototyped.
Another innovation by Nehal on skin cancer is The SPWD means Skin Cancer Preventing Wearable device. which gives the best protection from UV rays and skin cancer. The main intention behind this Innovation is to stop restrictions given to peoples which are at high risk of skin cancer, Now all the features are in one device which prevents all skin cancer types and mainly melanoma. It also contains an SPF mechanism.
As well as this Nehal developed some innovative concepts on Blood diseases and Heart Attacks. Which are Self Blood Tester and a CVMT technology means Cardiovascular movement dresser technology for earlier detection of a heart attack.
Currently, Nehal is working on these concepts to be Prototyped in the future. For these Innovations. Nehal is India’s book of Record Holder for achieving the extraordinary feat in Health Sciences. In the world history of records of Human biology, Nehal is the first one who performs the record for infectious diseases with their causative agents’ pathogens.
Her Inspiration:
Talking about her inspiration to work towards scientific solutions for India’s health problems, Nehal says that she feels late diagnosis is one of the biggest problems that plague India’s healthcare system and needs urgent attention.
During COVID-19, due to the fear of contracting infections, people resisted visiting hospitals and laboratories to get tested, often delaying diagnosis and ultimately complicating their medical condition.
To address this challenge, Nehal decided to develop three innovative medical devices, namely, a Self-Blood Tester, a Pneumonia Free mask System, and CVMT technology – to help healthcare workers and people, in general, to look after their health better.
Nehal got some famous awards for her innovation:
Jagran Josh Best use of science and technology award 2022.
MVLA trust's Maharashtra state Best Young Innovator award 2022.
International rank achiever in NSTSE 2022.
India's biggest Youth Ideathon top 500 Finalists.
Edison Club Tamilnadu India's Grand award in prototype modeling.
Dayananda Sagar Bangalore University's All India 2nd prize for innovation.
Silverzone International Olympiad of Science Gold excellence award. Achieved Perfect scores in Chemistry and Biology.
India's biggest eat-right mega-science experiment certificate of merit.
S.B. Jain Institute's Consolation award for excellence in Health Sciences.
Successful Participation in India International Science Festival 2021.